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Papendink [238] NF is over! Winner revealed!


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Next entry!
Won't reveal it! :eek:
Hint 1: It was released in February 2023.
Hint 2: The picture.
Hint 3: Thread title


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Well-known member
August 5, 2018
Intrigue 🙈🙈 That combination of religious picture and technically sounding thread title looks interesting 🤔


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Pic from the first second of the videoclip:

I am as sure as i can be that this will be the first final with Papendink since NSC 176.
That is after exactly 50 editions of not being part of the final! :eek:
Ok, most time because i was'nt here/just on WL. :D
I was never that great at guessing my chances, but i hope i am this time. ^^
Altough there is "puke" in the clip, i hope that none pukes cause of the song. :D
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Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport

Already four days since i've posted the hints and now 8 days more to wait? Sorry, i'm much to impatient to wait untill that. Alltough maybe not many people will read it: I will reveal my entry now! :D

German tv producers loved animes already since the 80's with Captain Future and much earlier with german-japanese co-productions like Heidi, Biene Maya, Pinocchio, Wickie and so on, but it seems that they never loved the japanese intro themes cause they tended to write new songs for the german openings.

They did this also for the original anime of what esc87fan have in the signature: Sailor Moon! The german intro song "Sag das Zauberwort" (Say the magic word) is my entry for the NSC 228 edition. It's definitely a product of the time when it was aired on german tv in the midd 90's. ^^

Anime Allstars - Sag das Zauberwort (Sailor Moon, german intro)

Btw: the singer Tina Hierstetter was on the ESC 85/92 stage as part of the german group Wind.

nearly invisible, but she was. And don't believe other sources, and co. has a wrong picture, they show Petra Scheeser, the main female vocalist of Wind. ;)


English translation of the lyrics from me:

Say the magic word and you'll become the might
Hold the moon stone and feel the force
You can do that
Oh, Sailor Moon

Fight for the victory over the darkness
Follow your dream of equity
You can do that
Oh, Sailor Moon

(both repeated 2 times)

Sailor Moon (4 times)
Oh, Sailor Moon

Moon stone fly and win, it is the time
Oh, Sailor Moon

(more repeats of the above lyrics ^^)
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Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Btw: There was a Girl-Group in germany called Super Moonies which delivered the intros for other seasons (2, 3, 7) of Sailor Moon, at least for their first broadcast. Later they just used the season 1 intro for all seasons.

This girl group also covered the season 1 intro in english... but i definetly preffer the original version, better singer if you ask me and the english version has even dumber lyrics. ^^ The german lyrics are simple, but i like them. :D

English version:

If you wanna hear all german intros, you can find a playlist below:
I guess, that only 1, 2, 3 and 7 are originaly written for german speaking market.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Five participations now since i rejoined and five times no qualification for ::pap, it is still the same with my qualification rate. ^^

But i'm pretty hopefull, that this time, i will break the stride of non qualifications.

17 people on studio, twelve of them singing, some kind of an acoustic version (it's better than the normal version, believe me) and a song about being secure to be insecure, that's my recipe this time. :)

Lawrence - i’m confident that i’m insecure (acoustic-ish)
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Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
This will be the seventh participation since my comeback... will it be the seventh NQ? :eek: I hope not!

I have no expectations left, cause it seems that i now completly lost my feeling for what could be successfull in NSC. ^^ And i was never good on it. ;)

Bavarian hip-hop this time, will see how this works. :D

btw: Lyrics are available in english on youtube! (y)

dicht & ergreifend - HiGHLiFE
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Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Okay, seven nq in a row are enough. I decided, that i will try to take an eye on success in my decision making process from now on. Don't worry, i still won't scorewhore, just will forgett my diversity rule and maybe send sometimes the imo 2nd or 3rd best or even 5th best entry (out of a dozen at least) i have in mind, but i will still love every song i send. xheart And yeah, ::pap still will be divers in genres i guess. ;)

Will see if it leads to more sucess, i'm far from being sure to know what does well in NSC. ^^

If this won't work i maybe should just send Santiano. ^^ Maybe i would be the first who fail to qualify with that act that participated 5 times and qualified 5 times? :eek:

But yeah, i don't like most of their stuff that much, so that really could be called scorewhoring? :D
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Well-known member
August 5, 2018
It's hard to say for sure what does well in NSC and what's not... Sometimes you just feel it, sometimes you don't; sometimes right songs keep popping up and sometimes they don't; sometimes whatever you send qualifies and sometimes it doesn't despite all the efforts...

But what i can say for sure is that I'm very excited to hear whatever comes next from ::pap and i believe, your input is valuable regardless of the results, but at the same time i wish you best of luck with your next entry(ies) and maybe slightly different approach will help, who knows :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
To be honest: I've got more and more insecure about that this song would work on NSC, i have the feeling that pop acts like this don't work that great anymore, and Loops didn't work that great as @theditz83 sent it to WLSC not that long ago, but i guess the african folk vibe from the featuring act makes it strong enough. :D

There were songs which i had a stronger feeling about a qualifying, but this song has to be sent in summer. :D

Jeremy Loops ft. Ladysmith Black Mambazo - This Town

This was my personal sumer hit 2 years ago, some days i heard it on repeat for hours and i surely listened it more times than the rest of my top ten songs in that year. :eek: And that was it, why i didn't send it so far, cause it never got such a strong appeal again as it had back in 2022 and it felt kinda wrong to send a song which lost a lot of its magnificence to me. But today i think, it have to be enough that i completly fell in love with it in the past. :) And yeah, alltough its not that great to me as it was back then: It is still a very good song. ^^

btw: I know Loops from a website which lists swiss musician. He was born in south africa but also has a swiss passport trough his mother.

PS: Thanks at Rmetro for your kind words! :)
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February 24, 2010
Lisbon & Kordavian Islands

Like said, this german song classic played on and on in my head or my earphones over the last two months. I love this optimistic vibe of the lyrics, which tells about the moment which two lovers break up. She sings about that he doesn't has to hesitate about her, she loves living, she will find her way. In the 70's of the last century, where many songs from female singers still tended to sound desperate, submissive and helpless, this was a strong statement.

You know her as a ESC-winner, she won in the year 1972 with Apres Toi:

Vicky Leandros - Ich liebe das Leben

English translation:
Weirdly I never mentioned how much I love this song (?). It was part of my childhood in :de:. My parents used to play it a lot in the car radio and at home. An exceptionally beautiful song that will remain forever in my heart! Maybe I referred something in the SF thread, I can't really remember, but this song deserved the thread's visit, the like it got (only now) and, for personal reasons, a honorable mention.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
I send my comeback entry to Congrats!

My comeback entry has the message "If you are sad, don't try to hide, let it out and cry!" and is against the social rules in South Korea, which tells you, that you should not show your feelings. That you shouldn't let them out to not hurt others, to not bother them with it. Maybe one of the reasons why the suicide rate in South Korea is one of the highest in the world...

Don't let your feelings eat you inside! Cry if you wanna cry!


Mommy Son feat. Eugene Park - Song of Stars

An english translation of the lyrics:
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