Last week was incredibly busy for me. Long days at work, combined with preparing for a rather long weekend drive to the far south of Norway, and also watching all the football from the Euro 2024, meant I had no time for the forum after I had sent my votes. Still catching up on stuff, tbh. But I have now caught up with NSC 229 at least.
Thanks for all the points to everyone who voted for Safe Word. Didn't reach the triple digit mark, but wasn't far off, and looking at the results, I was definitely in the right semi, finishing 4th in the semi, and 19th in the reju vote.
I'm just happy to have qualified to the final, I didn't expect that at all, so thanks for the semi points as well.
Thanks to
@strajker for the great hosting, and congrats to Illumia on the win.
Think you can stop the drum and bass? I doubt it.