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WElComE tO ScLaN!
THiS eDiTioN iS hOsTeD iN PerRyForNiA, XhUHxMaxHmuSH anD YetO! SeNd yoUr eNtriEs to mE, @Luke aNd @Lenalite iN a DM.
MaKe suRe tO adD aLl oF tHe HoStS tO tHe cOnFirMaTioN DM.
DO nOt dElEtE tHe cOnFiRmaTiOn DmS uNtiL tHe eDiTioN eNds, aS AlL coMmuNicAtIon thRoughOuT tHe EdiTiOn wIlL be cArRiEd OuT tHeRE - yoU aRE aLsO eXpEcTeD tO seNd iN yOuR vOteS tHerE!
NAmE tHe Dm bY YoUr CouNtrY nAme OnLy!
ANd AdD yOUr SoNg LiNk aNd ArtisT aNd SoNg iN tHe FoLlOwiNg FoRmAT:
If OUr bOxEs ArE fUlL aNd YoU cAnT sEnD anY fUrtHeR mEsSAgES, JuSt AdD a ModErAtOr (i.E @berlyda, @Veronika) tO thE Dm. ThIs ShOuLd REsuLt iN thE mEsSaGe bEiNg SeNt REgArDlESs.
YOu WIlL oNlY gEt A lIkE aS a REpoNsE oF CoNfiRmaTioN/VoTeS hAvInG BeeN SuCCeSFuLY CoUnTeD. We WiLl bE DEleTiNg yOuR mEsSagES oNcE wE prOcESs YoUr iNquIrieS. JUsT cOntInuE sEnDiNg mEsSaGeS in tHe NeXT RoUnD vIa ThE SAmE cOnvErSAtIoN eVen iF wE HavE DeLEtEd iT bEcaUsE tHiS rEviVeS tHe CoNvERsAtIoN aGaiN.
We WiLl ASsIgN a DeSigNaTeD rEjU cOlLeCtOr In No TiMe. (thIs WoNt bE uS. DOnT sEnd uS yOur ReJu aNd WL vOtEs.)
THanK yoU aNd SeE yOu SOoN.
THiS eDiTioN iS hOsTeD iN PerRyForNiA, XhUHxMaxHmuSH anD YetO! SeNd yoUr eNtriEs to mE, @Luke aNd @Lenalite iN a DM.
MaKe suRe tO adD aLl oF tHe HoStS tO tHe cOnFirMaTioN DM.
DO nOt dElEtE tHe cOnFiRmaTiOn DmS uNtiL tHe eDiTioN eNds, aS AlL coMmuNicAtIon thRoughOuT tHe EdiTiOn wIlL be cArRiEd OuT tHeRE - yoU aRE aLsO eXpEcTeD tO seNd iN yOuR vOteS tHerE!
NAmE tHe Dm bY YoUr CouNtrY nAme OnLy!
ANd AdD yOUr SoNg LiNk aNd ArtisT aNd SoNg iN tHe FoLlOwiNg FoRmAT:
ArTisT - sOnG
If OUr bOxEs ArE fUlL aNd YoU cAnT sEnD anY fUrtHeR mEsSAgES, JuSt AdD a ModErAtOr (i.E @berlyda, @Veronika) tO thE Dm. ThIs ShOuLd REsuLt iN thE mEsSaGe bEiNg SeNt REgArDlESs.
YOu WIlL oNlY gEt A lIkE aS a REpoNsE oF CoNfiRmaTioN/VoTeS hAvInG BeeN SuCCeSFuLY CoUnTeD. We WiLl bE DEleTiNg yOuR mEsSagES oNcE wE prOcESs YoUr iNquIrieS. JUsT cOntInuE sEnDiNg mEsSaGeS in tHe NeXT RoUnD vIa ThE SAmE cOnvErSAtIoN eVen iF wE HavE DeLEtEd iT bEcaUsE tHiS rEviVeS tHe CoNvERsAtIoN aGaiN.
We WiLl ASsIgN a DeSigNaTeD rEjU cOlLeCtOr In No TiMe. (thIs WoNt bE uS. DOnT sEnd uS yOur ReJu aNd WL vOtEs.)
THanK yoU aNd SeE yOu SOoN.