Very weak and generic take on a ESC trope that died out 10 years ago. He looks like one of the Martinus brothers, the outfits may trigger unpleasant flashbacks to S.A.G.A.P.O. , the song kinda resembles Luxembourg's "Fighter" from last year, they only changed one letter, and the obsessive references to fire are overdone and cliche.
There's actually an inclusion of Norwegian fiddle playing that's so subtle it doesn't really do anything for the song, and i think it's the first time a male artist does that kind of dance break that's become so popular in the last few years, but it doesn't help this unmemorable, generic song crammed with dull cliches. Norway must have had better to chose from, another inexplicable choice from them. Don't think final is out of the question, but not that likely as it seems.