Albania Superstar
Because it's crap
More insightful words from my favorite person ever
Because it's crap
I am meeting Highway in couple of next days, do you have any question you would love to ask them?
I am meeting Highway in couple of next days, do you have any question you would love to ask them?
I am meeting Highway in couple of next days, do you have any question you would love to ask them?
Will they do shirtless photo session especially for the ESC UNITED FORUM members? Okey, not necessarily only for us here, but still, we will appreciate their song more, if they showed a bit of their skin...
Next question: if they flop, do they think of starting a modelling career?
What kind of whore are you.
I actually like this quite a bit
ESC is a song contest, not a beauty pageant!!!!!!!!
Check out our interview with Highway. We asked them some questions you suggested here. You rock! Thanks a lot for cooperation!
"Comments go from one extreme to another, but we are happy because we did not leave anyone indifferent – what was our firstable goal."
I love that attitude. It was a nice interview, thank you! I'm really looking forward to the ESC performance.