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February 9, 2012
I have to say my favourite moment of the semi (apart from Valentina and Sergej qualifying) was watching Tijana completely destroy Scott Mills during the interval. Nothing like watching an egotistical moron being knocked down a peg or two.

That was incredible. She completely owned him. My Mother and I were laughing so much. She loved Tijana. She really is a personally that woman. I hope some of that sass comes across in her performance on Thursday and she can manage to make it through.

I must say though that Scott has been a good boy so far this year for a change. I didn't notice any of his usual biased opinions popping up (i'll never forget how he almost spoiled Rona's semi for me). The interview with Conchita could have come off as a bit awkward though.
March 24, 2013
My own reflections when looking back at the first semi is rather bland. First off, I have to say the first semi had really great songs, allthough it got rather sloppy with all the ballads. But not that it bothered me too much - It never got boring. The stage has a lot of potential, but I don't feel it was used up to it's full extent. It could have gone the other way, though; systems breakdown and whatnot. So in the end, it ended up great, allthough a little bit cluttered and not as contended as it could've been.

The songs then: Well. Russia can survive any circumstances it seems. I still thought Portugal and Estonia should have made it instead. Montenegro = Inline-thingy-rehash of Dima '08. I can't say that fooled me. Good for them, but I found the song a tad boring. Insert random forced applause here. Also, Netherlands were unexpected. One of the most well-written songs in the contest. I didn't expected it to go through, so quite a bit surprise here. But perfoming-wise, it did impress; The scaled down stuff, the chemistry: Really good. It's almost a bit too good for eurovision and doesn't belong there.

San Marino then. Yeah, that was the biggest upsed, and you could really feel for her. Probably the best moment of her life. She has this ballad thing going, not the best song in the world, but it worked this time. But..... she won't win. Azerbadjan and Hungary were OK, Armania a dubstep-cheese filled with clichès, but there were other songs that could have made it.

Mixed feelings, but in the end, it was a great contest.


Well-known member
December 2, 2010
Yaaay Semi 1 :D Here is my ranking:

1) :se: - Before the show, I wasn't quite fond of this entry. The studio version was fine, but I just didn't feel it and even considered it failing to qualify. That performance was really amazing tho, and when the second part of the song started my thoughts were "This sounds like a winning song".
2) :hu: - Not hearing the live version, I wasn't sure if he would be able to do the song justice vocally. He did extremely well, and I think this is also a worthy contender for taking the trophy.
3) :ua: - I really loved the hamster wheel choreography. Very entertaining, as expected from Ukraine.
4) :ru: - This was quite a solid performance. I liked the vocals and I think they did the choreography part wall also. I could see this going top10, depending on the draw of course.
5) :ee: - I can't understand how this did not qualify. Imo it had every element it needed for a good ESC song: A fast song with a decent vocal performance by a good looking girl who does a lot of entertaining dancing. Shame.
6) :me: - Probably biased a bit, considering the singer is quite popular here. I really liked the feel of the song, and the skater girl was a nice touch. Plus they stole that forest thing from "Avatar" for background xD
7) :is: - I only heard snippets of this before the show, and I couldn't understand why people seemed to dislike it so much. A fun song (especially the chorus) and a deserved qualifier.
8) :sm: - I was probably the happiest about this qualifying! I "yay"-ed all the way! And she seemed so happy it was just perfect! Also, she looks more beautiful each year! Queen Valentina ftw ^^ A
9) :am: - I loved the studio version of this song. Before the show some of my friends who watch only the finals asked me if they should watch the show, and I told them to at least see the first song, as it was a favorite and probably going to win. What a disappointment. About 30 seconds into the song my thoughts were "Well, this ain't winning." There was just something weird about it, and I think the performance was not a good one. Things got better in the "chorus" part, but still, it did not fulfill my expectations whatsoever.
10) :lv: - I really enjoyed this, actually. It might be because it followed the Armenian song, but it just felt refreshing. The boys looked so happy on stage, enjoying every moment of it, and it was one of those performances that makes you happy.


11) :pt: - It was not a bad performance, but just not as up-lifting as it should have been.
12) :nl: - A very "country" vibe from this song. They gave a solid performance (both vocally and because they did not move at all). Not really for me.
13) :az: - Azerbaijan always delivers an interesting performance, with an element that sets them apart from the others. I enjoyed the acrobat girl. The song, not so much. It was just too slow and bland for me.
14) :al: - This falls somewhere in the rank of other Albanian entries from the past 3-4 years. This kind of ballads is just not my cup of tea. Not a bad performance tho.
15) :md: - This was dreadful. The woman has no charisma whatsoever and the performance just had a very weird vibe. Not good.
16) :be: - The biggest snooze-fest of the semi. This kind of songs just do not do anything for me. Very monotone, very bland, very boring.

Really loved the hosts this year! They were quite funny and clearly having a blast. The postcards were amazing as well! By far my favorite ones since 2008. Can't wait for Semi 2 :D


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
I didn't write anything here yet, so now I'm gonna make a quick summary of my yesterday's thoughts.



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April 29, 2013
Whoo Whoo Whoo!
Yesterday was so much fun. I took control and forced my boyfriend to watch the show while he was finishing his chores. With some mixed results but overall it was very entertaining. I tried to watch the livestream on the German Eurovision page but that was quite terrible. So I had to move to Austria (the ORF eins stream) to actually be able to see something instead of pixels. Unfortunately there were some commercials during the interviews and I didn't catch them. The Austrian commentary was at times quite funny and in the end I didn't mind the missing portion. But alas, a short recap of my experience. (With some Eurovision newbie comments from my boyfriend.)

1. Armenia :am:
I like the song but this was simply... bad. :/ The first part of the song was terribly off-key and I felt he looked a little lost on stage. A shame he got first half in the final so now even if he gets his act together he definitely won't win. Not with such nervous notes peeking through. Reaction of my bf when I told him this was the favorite to win: "Really? Not impressed."

2. Latvia :lv:
Also one of the songs I really like and the performance was cute. Wouldn't have been surprised if they'd qualified. BF's Reaction: "There's something burning in the oven!" Running towards the kitchen and remembering he still had to prepare our dinner for tomorrow. So I guess, I should be thankful the song reminded him of his duties. :twisted:

3. Estonia :ee:
Meh. I never liked the song and I wasn't too upset this didn't qualify. The performance on the other hand looked great. But that's about it. BF still in the kitchen but during the recaps he didn't like it.

4. Sweden :se:
Here I switched my streams and had to miss certain parts of the song. But it appears she delivered. I like the song but BF was not impressed.

5. Iceland :is:
So so happy they made it through! I was a little sad I couldn't vote in this semifinal as they would have gotten at least one of my votes. I was so happy they were announced at the end. I don't get all the hate for the song. I thought they performed it brilliantly or as good as you can on that gigantic stage (which btw looked amazing during the whole evening.) BF: "You know which suit I would choose." *pointing at the pink guy* He loved their costumes but criticized the camera work a little. He would have liked to have a good look at every member. But I'm simply happy!xheya

6. Albania :al:
The song itself is just okay for me. Good sound but her face appeared pained and unattractive during the performance.

7. Russia :ru:
This surprised me. Politics aside I never thought this was good and I probably never think it will be a favorite of mine. But I didn't cringe during their performance, which while tacky was also quite entertaining. I also think they sounded so! much better live compared to their voices in the video. BF really liked it and called it one of his if not the favorite song which surprised me a little. But it was solid enough and their qualification was justified.

8. Azerbaijan :az:
My favorite :az: entry to date. Some might call it boring and dull but I really like it. (Bf had to suffer this song a few times so he wasn't as impressed about it.) She just looked a little tired and her accent was very noticeable (more so than in the studio version) but overall I liked it.

9. Ukraine :ua:
The hamster wheel. The only part I really liked about it otherwise... not feeling it. BF: "Pretty girl but that's about it."

10. Belgium :be:
SOOC I really dislike the song but I felt bad for the singer. He looked so crushed during the announcement and that gentled my rage a little bit. Although I'm still glad this tacky, over the top, slightly off-key kitsch parade didn't go through. BF was not impressed either and took a toilet break which seems legit imho.

11. Moldova :md:
The song has grown on me but... :( This was just bad. Pure and simple. The performance was underwhelming and the costume was ugly and totally impractical as battle armor. (Seriously that were my exact thoughts during the song) The Austrian commentary was funny though and they described the song as 'A recap of three seasons of Game of Thrones'. BF: "Worst song of the evening."

12. San Marino :sm:
Ralph! Ralph was on stage. Did you see? Did you?
:cool: No seriously, although I don't like the song in particular, I'm pleased she made it to the big final. It was okay, but nothing special. Afraid that it will bomb on Saturday but you never know. So far deserved qualifier, compared to the other songs that evening.

13. Portugal :pt:
... Meh. I should like it but I'm afraid it just hasn't reached me (yet). Performance was solid but no matter the staging, if the song is just mediocre I can't say I'm surprised it didn't qualify. BF: "This is Shakira meets Lambada. Utter garbage." Ouch, he din't like it at all!

14. Netherlands :nl:
This has grown on me so much during the last weeks. Simply amazing! I'm very happy they made it and get the attention they deserve. This is also a song I had shown bf beforehand and he already loved it. xlove

15. Montenegro :me:
In my opinion there are better 'Balkan ballads' but the staging was magical and altough I myself don't care for the song as much, it simply had to qualify. Glad it did.

16. Hungary :hu:
Glad the mime dancer wasn't there. A few hick-ups but overall quite stunning. Might be the winner on Saturday, definitely Top 5.
BF: "Good song."

So my Top only counting the performance of that evening would have been:
1. Netherlands
2. Hungary
3. Azerbaijan
4. Iceland
5. Sweden
6. Latvia
7. Russia
8. Montenegro
9. Albania
10. San Marino
11. Ukraine
12. Armenia
13. Estonia
14. Portugal
15. Moldova
16. Belgium

My BF had four songs he really liked and wanted to qualify:
1. Russia
2. the Netherlands
3. Hungary
4. Iceland

So looking forward to the next semi final! xheya


Well-known member
January 7, 2014
Here's my impression about the semi:

I like the song: it's in my top 10. I am a bit dissapointed about the performance, it was weak but I think that he was very stressed. He performed first and stuff. I am so happy that he qualified.

I watched the 30 sec of the rehearsals only and I though that they won't do a great show. I was wrong! I loved how the audience responded to this. They were clapping their hands and seemed to have fun. It's a pity that they didn't qualify.

It was an OK song and I loved the postcard. The performance was nothing special. I'm impressed by her vocal and dancing capabilities, it must be very hard to dance like this and sing at the same time. I wanted her to qualify.

I hate this song. I'm not gonna write anything else.

I thought that there's no way for they to qualify. The performance was colourful and fun. They had fun. I am happy with the result.

I don't remember the performance tbh. I prefered the albaniam version of the song. I have no feeling about this and it's hard to write anything about this performance.

The song itself is low in my top but I liked the performance and their vocal capabilities. They deserved qualifing and I am happy for them.

The show was boring, nothing happened. I like the song and it's good she qualified but there's nothing to say about this. She was standing and singing and the girl on this construction was 'dancing' (?).

The weak song with a decent performance. I hated the last 'Tick-Tock'. But at the end of the day, I have nothing against its qualification.

For me this is an X-Factor winning song, not Eurovision. More happened during the Azerbaijan's performance than here. I'm glad it didn't qualify.

The second song which performance I don't remember.

OMG! It's so good she qualified! I'm so happy! She deserved this like no one else! So good for her! She taught me a lesson: never give up!

Nothing special. I like Suzy more than I like the song. It's a pity Portugal didn't qualify but I hope they won't withdraw.

I'm so happy they're in! The show was so calm and I love it! Their looks to the camera were so magical! I hope they'll do well on Staturday!

I felt so relieved when they annouced that it qualified! Well deserved qualification!

No surprises! I knew it'll qualify - it'd be a disaster if it didn't, wouldn't it?

I hope that :pl: qualified tomorrow but I'm a bit nervous about it :(


April 11, 2014
1. :am: Really good performance! I love it more than studio version! xheart
2. :nl: The best! But i will do it more minimalistic. No visuals and only they in light :3
3. :hu: Studio version so much better.

:se: I really don't like Sweeden performence. This song it's just awful for me. It's just like everyone winning song. Nothing special.


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
That was incredible. She completely owned him. My Mother and I were laughing so much. She loved Tijana. She really is a personally that woman. I hope some of that sass comes across in her performance on Thursday and she can manage to make it through.

I must say though that Scott has been a good boy so far this year for a change. I didn't notice any of his usual biased opinions popping up (i'll never forget how he almost spoiled Rona's semi for me). The interview with Conchita could have come off as a bit awkward though.

Scott has been Scott. I don't really like him, but he was overshadowed by the complete ineptitude of Laura Whitmore. What was she doing there? She was hopeless. Never even said the surnames of the performers and clearly had no clue about ESC.


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
"Difference between no. 10 and 12 in the first Semi-Final was just 3 points. Every vote counts!" - Jon Ola Sand.

Chances on Valentina being 10th, Portugal 11th and Estonia 12th?


Active member
February 22, 2011
Maybe Latvia was in that game, too. Compared to expectations they were pretty good.


Well-known member
January 7, 2014
The results will be posted Saturday day night (once the show has ended). The actual breakdown of points between juries and televotes will be revealed at a later point.

Thank you :)


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Are ALL the faves really in semi 1? People keep saying: Sweden will win, Armenia will win, Netherlands will win. No faves in semi 2? Really?


March 22, 2014
Are ALL the faves really in semi 1? People keep saying: Sweden will win, Armenia will win, Netherlands will win. No faves in semi 2? Really?

Don't forget :hu: either .

In semi 2 I'd say Israel and Austria are in with good chances.


Well-known member
November 27, 2013
Semi 2 dress rehearsal starts soon :D
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