My personal qualifiers prediction is:
• Gebrasy (clear fave of both parties, even the foreigners keep saying this is the second best choice to The Roop)
• Gabrielius Vagelis (not as clear fave as Gebrasy but he ended up 2nd in the semi, and almost always a jury darling even more than the televoting one, and that has been prevalent ever since he was fresh off The Voice Lithuania, a place that normally has people having fans of themselves. Him being rated less by the televote will probably not hinder his chances much, unless the impact of every X Factor reject fighting for televotes, and a possibility that the juries will not love him as much, might be his cruxes of tonight)
Now for the toss up acts, I believe that these three have the most potential:
• Milita Daikerytė (some jury darlings get supported more than televote evidently, and in most of these cases, acts with higher jury scores have more chances to make it, and I think Milita is no exception, unless Voldemars *really* gets in her way. Remember, Aistė Brokenleg qualified with even 2 televote points. I think Milita has it all to become this year's Junà, so to speak.)
• Titas and Benas (an act that was also moderately agreed on in the first semifinal pointswise. Juries think this song is decent, televoting showers them with points because they remember them from X Factor, so they have their fanbase.)
• Evita Cololo (speaking of X Factor fanbase qualities... she's a winner of The Voice (the only one I recall that is in this year), and these only end up growing a fanbase if their songs are consistently good and worth following, possibly. X Factor has a bigger audience for people to televote their faves, so they're familiar with the acts more. I'm saying is that a war will wage for televoter attention between fanbases. And jury have their own cruxes to put down on these same exact people (except Titas and Benas). I think maybe Evita has the capability of emerge out of the out-cancellation as the ideal middleground - she received 8 points from both public and televote, so it's possible for her to make it, I wouldn't count her out)
Norbertas and Martyna were extremely tanked by the juries for their lack of confidence on performing on stage, so I would expect them to do their homework this time around, but not enough for the juries to suddenly love their acts. Some acts that make it far aren't even helped enough by the televote to sustain their cred (remember Tiramisu in 2019? They'd qualify to the semi if the tiebreak was the televote, but it wasn't, and never was for as long as I remember), however the jury has more power to draw their faves into the final.
And while Voldemars is one, I don't think the jury will straightforwardly power him to the final fully, unless they think that chorus catchiness is above all to 12 him again in place of acts that might deserve it more. Televote will definitely sink him to some degrees. Remember in what semifinal he's in - the one swarmed with X Factor fanbase crowded folk (as if the entire edition itself wasn't one lol)! So he might as well suffer from not being a young and hip X Factor act with an audience (as he once auditioned to the show but I don't think he made that far lol). And he always did, on his three participations in a row. History says jury gives him more points than televote always does. And this year televote actually gave a decent amount of points to Voldemars! But that's not worth celebrating for, sadly.
Be U barely even qualified with both parties giving them middleground points, Aistė Brokenleg will almost definitely suffer death by televote.
And that's all before I waffle off from this forum again~