Rehearsals are running far more efficiently today, so we are already straight into Lithuania’s performance ‘Attention’.
Lead singer, Vilija Matačiūnaitė begins singing with her arms interlocked with a male dancer. They look at each other and then dramatically break away from each-other onto opposite sides of the stage.
Vilija is wearing a black ballerina tutu and black and white patterned top. He is wearing an all black **** and trousers.
Throughout the performers interact with one another through abstract dance.
The stage is lit in electric whites and blues. Near the end of the performance a dozen plumes of smoke bellow out from beneath the stage.
Madeleine: I don’t really see the point of this performance, it’s just messy to me and I don’t know where to look. I’m just really not sure, I don’t see this performance working but I can’t put my finger on what exactly is wrong. I do like the smoke explosion that comes out in the front of the stage.
Olivia: Oh dear. Vilija does the best out of what is a somewhat of a musical travesty. Visually it is quite interesting, but frankly the dancing, the tutu – everything just feels forced. But certainly a confident execution.