Oh, Estonia is actually better than Latvia in almost everything: government, economy, schools, songs etc. The only thing where Latvia is better is lower alcohol prices.
What is the price of vodka in Latvia?. In Poland Polish vodka with an alcohol content 40% - 0,7l costs around 22 zł = 5,13 Euro and 1l costs around 34zł = 7.93 Euro.
Only the jealous can think that Samanta Tina is gonna score nil points in Eurovision. Why does actual talent scare so many ESC-fans? They should be grateful that we have such artists trying to take part in Eurovision, instead of hyping things like hatari, miki, serhat, lazarev (the letters are lowercase on purpose).
Only the jealous can think that Samanta Tina is gonna score nil points in Eurovision. Why does actual talent scare so many ESC-fans? They should be grateful that we have such artists trying to take part in Eurovision, instead of hyping things like hatari, miki, serhat, lazarev (the letters are lowercase on purpose).
I think wódka is more expensive in Latvia than in Poland. I don't know what brands you have, but I can find almost nothing below EUR 10 for 1l. Absolut for EUR 14 for example.
I checked yesterday the prices nearby ... it's even cheaper, there was one for 26 zł (0,7l) - it is around 6 euros. Either way it's a BS stereotype that Polish favourite beverage is vodka, lol.