Hey, Cap here! Go check ou Italy voting scores in Eurovision in this video!
Hello Escstatsfan, thanks for calling my attention to this Youtube video. I wonder, what do you want to enlighten me on? Your post makes it clear to me that you read my comments with interest and consequently you deliberately chose to do studies. But you have not read my comments carefully, because reading them, you would have understood that my words were based precisely on reading these statistics.
This video shows what I have always expressed, that most of the votes in favor of Italy are from the "Big 5" nations (excluding UK), the Central European nations and from friendly nations such as Portugal and Albania; while of the Mediterranean reality only Malta has rewarded us (but not from Greece and Cyprus - who have often exchanged each other their top votes). Finally, apart from Finland, where are the other "Scandinavian Block" realities, the "Slavic Block", "pro-Russian / Baltic", Turkey, Armenia and the English-speaking countries? You confirmed my "voting block theory". Among all the blocks, that of the "Big 5", which was strong in the past (also because countries like France and the UK believed in this competition more or were a little better than now), has become increasingly weak because unlike the other blocks, whose votes are studied, in the "Big 5" there are friendly but extremely rival nations (therefore sometimes the right cohesion has failed). How to cope with the 0 and alliance of the other blocks? Trying to do the same thing (albeit with less intensity). However there is also to say that the ranking expresses the range of action of the Italian song. It is possible, alliances aside, that Baltic music is highly appreciated in the same geographical area and in the surrounding area because the culture is similar.
Now let's see the votes that Italy has given to other nations. We have rewarded, more or less, the same nations. In fact, we have also rewarded Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg, UK and Ireland who have never reciprocated for us but have made faith in their pacts. Therefore? Even stronger is the belief of the "voting blocks" but this shows you that Germany, Spain, France (after the exit from Luxembourg and Monaco - excellent allies followed by his friend Belgium and sometimes from Switzerland)
and Italy have played cleaner or perhaps considered themselves so superior that over time they realized that they had lost geopolitical power in the ESC.
Your study also makes it clear how Italy, net of the poor 45 participations (this explains what I said about the lack of interest that Italy had for this competition - increased after 2011-) reached 34 "Top 10". Your study also shows how Italy, always singing in Italian (apart from, I think, two or three exceptions), has remained faithful to its linguistic and musical culture without adapting to the "right sounds for the ESC" (thought that has given life, mostly, to the Trash style). Your study shows that Italy, partially (here you have to go and listen to all the songs of the Italian panorama but mainly from Sanremo), has always achieved great goals often with songs not fully loved at home (the fault of the pacts of Italian discography and of interest only in Sanremo). How many wonderful songs we have left at home!
Finally you must also calculate that Rai has never had the desire to win, often hindering its artists who in fact protested
In 1990, the organization of the ESC was a disaster!
However, Rai had its reasons ... after Sanremo (which they also know in Burundi
) should I also organize the ESC?
... and then at the time there were many other singing competitions such as the "FestivalBar" etc. my friend, money has a limit!
It was enough for us to reach the "Top 10" and make a good performance to advertise our music
Anyway, we won two ESC
Nemo89 "No! Get another movie started!
We still have popcorn and beer!