^Yea, and because we haven't money, she will appear naked on Baku too... ahahahaa
Very jelous becoz Pastora iz agly and no gud vois end THE Hadise vil vin in Moscoe!
^It's not made only to get points. Just admit that THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LOVE THIS KIND OF MUSIC! Not everyone likes sophisticated ballads with poetry lyrics! I hate when they categorize songs in "quality" and "not quality"! Especially when they consider all songs of a specific genre/style as low quality! For me, this is hypocrisy! Can't you say "it's not my cup of tea" instead??? :?
Just to mention again, I'm not defending the Greek song only, but I'm speaking generally. I personally hate Aphrodisiac with passion! But this genre is one of my favorites, I just hate Aphrodisiac for the slutty lyrics.
yes you are right, there are a lot of people who love this kind of music. And that is the problem. The problem are not the listeners. Music is a matter of taste. The problem is when you make art (music is art) not because YOU love it, but A LOT OF PEOPLE LOVE IT. To make art in order to satisfy the bulk is dishonest.
Yes you are right, it is not my cup of tea. But thats not what i wanted to say. Austrian song is not my cup of tea too. But they dont care if others like it or not. They like it. This is honest.
This person is obviously insane... It doesn't worth discussing with him/her! He calls some songs "dishonest songs"! Oh well... So, you have to make music that nobody would like, and then you would be honest? I don't know what to think, to laugh or to get angry? or :twisted: ?
Kalomira the best!Will Greece manage to be in top10 like 8 last years?(2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011)
Will Greece manage to be in top10 like 8 last years?(2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011)
Will Greece manage to be in top10 like 8 last years?(2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011)
but i dont get something here..........what makes u think that greeks who voted for this song to represent us at baku,didnt like it themselves.....?so it is as u say dishonest...?i dont get yr point!
(and i m really interested to understand u, especially because i m among the ones who didnt like aphrodisiac and preferred No parking!but still, Aphrodisiac got 3 times more votes than the rest songs in the nf....)
Actually this ---> :evil: is the angry icon
True, if the clip was shot in a car showroom, I would have thought it was an automobile.