AMAZING. Awesome result for Roman. So happy for him, he totally deserves it. Thanks to all countries, which gave us points... Roman was very happy in an interview some minutes ago
Congrats, Germany, didn't see it coming..... especially after the low scores from Austria, who gave you the highest score last year.
But, also congrats to Anke, who made a terrific job as voting announcer by praising the german work in Baku for the event and by warning Azerbaijan to be watched by Europe. Danke Anke!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Roman und an allen deutschen Fans!
This is really an excellent result and much better than expected given the tough competition this year. I expected this to be (just) outside the top 10 and couldn't imagine this ending higher than both Italy and Spain. So great, great result.
Congrats, Roman! After he was picked, I thought he could make the Top 10, but it would be difficult for him to climb higher. That turned out to be correct. But I admit I abandoned all hope when I heard him sing right after Spain's Pastora.
Well yeah, who knew he could overcome Spain's performance? The first half of Romans song felt like he was completely overshadowed by Pastora's performance just minutes ago. I feel sad for Spain's result (although it's not really one of my top faves) but glad for Roman.
I don't understand what happened to Germany's music taste in recent years. It's strange, almost...worrisome. Must be all the green energy initiatives...a fresh wind is blowing durch die Heimat. Could it blow to the west one day? :?