When that little break comes at around 2.30 into the song, and the strings take center stage before she makes that big "ooohhh!", I could feel it all the way into my stomach — the hope of a big beautiful finish with strings that carries her to the end... And then it stops before it even got started, and the drum takes over yet again. Sigh. So close to really lifting the song to a higher level and then it failed me. I needed that lift because the constant repetition in the lyrics isn't doing the song any favor.
At least it has a baseline which makes it better, for me, than Armenia's, which we were holding out for yesterday. And there are elements in the song that I really like - like the stings - and the music video has some really cool elements that I'm hoping will carry over to the live performance.
For now, I think I'm just mostly happy that we finally have all the songs for the contests. Now the true listening and ranking of the songs can begin.