Well-known member
Pablo, open your eyes please and show me where I said that these are the general elections? wtf! :?
Then why do we need this voting? Why should we apply at all?
It's not about elections, Pablo, I'm worried about your and other people's attitude.
But "suddenly" your forgot that bidders don't vote for ANY bids on Olympics, Euro Cup etc...
This "you hosted before" rule is not used on Olympics.
And why do you hide under someone's opinion, don't you have your own?
I don't give a dam how someone can host this but you obviously discriminate me. I already have no chances beforehand.
As I've said I hope you don't use this "criteria" on FSC.
If I get such attitude then I'll never host anything again in the spinoffs. I'm not gonna help anyone as well. If I don't deserve something beforehand give everything to people who haven't hosted anything
I said "general elections" cause you're giving so much importance to something it doesn't have at all and I don't have any attitude at all. I don't get this reaction. I just voted according to my own criteria and as it's MY VOTE, I'll decide wich one will be. End of story
+ I think people didn't understand my reasons. It's not about the people, but about the countries. Cause here nobody excepts you and now Kristi hosted anything.
I saw FSC London, FSC Manchester, FSC Edinbourgh, FSC Bucharest, RSC Ukraine (don't remember the city), World CUp in Albania,.... so I'd also like to see some pics of any Turkish city on the beginning of a thread, cause that's the only thing which change about it to me
To me it's easy to vote like this, than to vote for one specific bidder because "it's my friend". I can't either choose if Manchester, Tirana or Bucharest are cooler than the other cities
I explained my reasons and I find this stupid. Wasn't this supposed to have fun??? :roll:
If you like them ok, then I'm sorry, but you'd better accept them cause are MY REASONS
PS- It's clear Romania-Turkey is winning, because there are far more members from those countries
But that's not my fault. I didn't set the voting system.