A huge favourite of mine and quite possibly the best writing for a television series ever:
Damages is an American television drama series created by the writing and production trio of Daniel Zelman and brothers Glenn and Todd A. Kessler (collectively known as KZK). The series revolves around the brilliant, yet ruthless lawyer, Patty Hewes (Glenn Close), her protégée, Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne), and the law firm, Hewes & Associates (located in New York City). The debut season finds Hewes attempting to win a class-action lawsuit against the former CEO of a corporation (Ted Danson) on behalf of his former workers. Damages has received critical acclaim and numerous television awards, including a Golden Globe and three Emmy Awards for its first season. The show is noted for its nonlinear narrative, frequent use of plot twists, technical merit, season-long storylines and the acting prowess of its cast.
Here is a trailer for the first season for anyone who might be interested: