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EUROVISION 2025 - General Discussion thread

ESC United Mod Team

Super Moderator
February 10, 2021
This thread is for any general Eurovision 2025 discussion not limited to or specifically about any country's national selections or song choices.


Well-known member
February 11, 2019
Got my ticket for Semi Final 1 Afternoon Preview Show, yay \o/
I thought it was kinda... really fluid to get some tickets?

I managed to get four tickets for the Final Family Show so I should be over the moon but I'm in two minds as I could only get standing and we're taking our two kids. They're not tiny but I'm worried they'll be staring at the back of the people in front of them for two hours solid. Probably worth giving it a go, though!

Anyway, after the clusterf*ck that was trying to get tickets for Liverpool, I'm just grateful that I can get on with my day after barely half an hour!


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
Another thing: accommodation in Basel is... unbelievable. There is nothing I could find with normal prices. I have no idea where to look. Anyone with some ideas? :D


Well-known member
February 11, 2019
Another thing: accommodation in Basel is... unbelievable. There is nothing I could find with normal prices. I have no idea where to look. Anyone with some ideas? :D
Check out Mulhouse in France. There are regular trains to Basel from there. The journey takes about 20-30 minutes.


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
Another thing: accommodation in Basel is... unbelievable. There is nothing I could find with normal prices. I have no idea where to look. Anyone with some ideas? :D
This is why I’ve swerved going this year; Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in the world to visit and when you slap the inflated prices for Eurovision coming to town on top, it just makes it completely unrealistic for ordinary working class people to go and cheer on their country.


December 23, 2018
I started attending ESC live with 230€ for all 3 shows in Düsseldorf and stopped going there after Vienna 2015 (which was like €790). I knew that all shows (fan packages) was about the same for Stockholm in 2016. And the horrendous price only went up from that in the following years. Something I didn't think was worth paying for especially since the TV show looks way better on TV because of the camera angles and effects (and because of the sound obviously).

Didn't last editions reach 1,000€?
Does anyone know the price for the fanpackage this year?..given the fact that Switzerland is a very expensive country to travel to, anyway...with or without ESC...


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
No no, I expected high prices, but this was beyond my expectations. Also, there is almost no accommodation in Basel.
I don’t know the geography or Switzerland but for Liverpool 2023 we originally booked an apartment in Manchester for Eurovision with the vision of getting the train each day… but a hotel came up in Liverpool a few weeks before for under £100 a night so we went for it.

The fact that @MopManMoss and I stayed in the same hotel and almost met is crazy, just different dates! Would have been like the time Queen Elizabeth II met the Irish president!


April 1, 2021
I don’t know the geography or Switzerland but for Liverpool 2023 we originally booked an apartment in Manchester for Eurovision with the vision of getting the train each day… but a hotel came up in Liverpool a few weeks before for under £100 a night so we went for it.

The fact that @MopManMoss and I stayed in the same hotel and almost met is crazy, just different dates! Would have been like the time Queen Elizabeth II met the Irish president!
Not many Irish presidents with half Yorkshire half Essex accents


Well-known member
June 2, 2012
Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
Here is a video review of the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 Semi-Final Allocation Draw, on 28 January 2025. This includes an outline of which countries have been allocated to each semi-final, and an analysis of how certain pairs / groups of countries are in the same or separate semi-finals.


Well-known member
May 29, 2018
Any idea what we can expect from the hosts & interval acts? I have no idea what type of humour or TV show standard Switzerland has. And how it even works when they probably have several channels in each linguistic part. All that is on my bingo for now is the repeated mentions of Celine Dion. I'm also hoping for some yodeling and Sebalter :love:


December 23, 2018
Today the first SUPER SATURDAY takes place but honestly, I'm not excited at all.
I think that :es: will end up finishing Bottom 5 in Basel - whoever is going to win tonight since Benidorm's quality has even decreased further. There are a few songs I don't dislike but they don't seem very competitive either.
:be: has really disappointed me - I think that Red Sebastian would NQ in May (his song lacks a memorable melody and his voice sounds flat in the verses and screeching to unbearable in the "chorus")... the French songs are half-baked ideas/concepts.
:se: might be nice in terms of staging and I honestly like Lundvik's song but the tacky, disrespectful and tasteless joke about Joost they are about to perform is disgusting and honestly, we all know that Lundvik will be qualifying easily.
I have a huge favourite in :sl: which could end up being my #2 so far ("ZveN") but the 8 out of the 12 songs are horrible to abysmal - is it really worth watching?!

I will probably tune in when Benidorm is around (even though :es: will massively flop in May) but the stagings seem to be fun.... I'm way more excited about 8th February, tbh.
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