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EUROVISION 2021 - General Discussion Thread


September 28, 2009
Please post any and all discussions regarding the contest itself, host country and city, organisation, rumours and other topics not related to any specific country's selection process.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
There are probably multiple reasons involved in Australia not flying over to compete in Rotterdam. I mean, yes, there are obvious health reasons, covid, restrictions, and all that, but the economy probably plays a part as well as SBS has less money than I initially thought. Montaigne's odds aren't that well, and they probably didn't have anything as great as Kate planned, and so it wasn't worth going and spend all those extra money to get a poor result. If Guy or Dami were to compete, I actually do think they would go

Also, maybe the live-on-tape performance is pretty good? Their HoD, Paul Clarke, said in an interview that he felt their entry was still competitive, so fingers crossed. And they must have known at that point that they might not have been in Rotterdam, so if they didn't invest a little bit of money, resources, time, and effort into the live-on-tape performance then I'd be surprised. Though Australia letting their artists down with staging for no reason has happened before so I wouldn't be shocked if it's a complete travesty anyway lol


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
And I just saw now that their athletes are being vaccinated for the Olympics
poor Montaigne
Yeah it's a kick in the teeth to artists when they see other sectors getting the support to travel to events, but hopefully this won't result in a further bad aftertaste for people when it comes to Australia's participation in the future - since they entered the contest, it was always suggested that the whole country was fully behind their participation in Eurovision, but in this new world you wonder if priorities will shift from the government. :(

Hopefully Montaigne's live-on-tape performance slays and the producers of the show are able to incorporate it into the overall show without it looking too out of place xup


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Elisa Silva (FdC 2020 winner and planned Portuguese representative) will be the Portuguese spokesperson


May 12, 2018
I have been following the ESCBubble "The Public Reacts" series. The interesting part of this series is that they have a panel of 16 "casual viewers" of the Eurovision Song Contest which will score the songs from 1 to 10. It is claimed that none of the people who are part of this panel is a huge fan of the contest, and none of them have heard any of the songs prior when rating the song (except maybe the one representing their own country).

Interestingly, as of now (where all songs from the semi-finals have been reviewed), the song that scores the highest from this panel is Israel (123 points), followed by Iceland (121 points) and Russia (115 points).

Of course, ESCBubble have their own editors (16 of them) who also give scores to the song and a fan poll to give the scores.
So all 3 components will be added to give the final score.

I am particularly interested in the casual viewer component as this is kind of a representation of what you can expect from the casual viewers (which will make up a good amount of percentage of the public vote).
I don't know how accurate it is, but it's definitely interesting to see that the quite a few of the fan favourites didn't do particularly well in this component.

Edit - 2 May: after San Marino and Bulgaria's scores have been revealed.
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Well-known member
April 30, 2014
Arghhhh so curiouuuus, sometimes the stand-in rehearsals are even better than the real deal 😝. For example Croatia 2019…


May 12, 2018
Israel is doing really well. I really hope the actual juries will give them those scores. I just need Eden to qualify and I don't care about the rest.


May 12, 2018
A user from the Reddit Eurovision community did the song pitch distribution graph for the artists in this year's competition.
For those music nerds, this will show you the vocal range each singer has for the entrant song.
The pictures are quite big so I have put them under "spoiler".

Male Vocalists

Female Vocalists
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July 3, 2019
A user from the Reddit Eurovision community did the song pitch distribution graph for the artists in this year's competition.
For those music nerds, this will show you the vocal range each singer has.
The pictures are quite big so I have put them under "spoiler".

Male Vocalists

Female Vocalists
Looks very intresting but I have no idea how to read these graphs (musical notes) lol


May 12, 2018
By the way, tonight is the 3rd pre-party of the season (the Adriatic Pre Party hosted by Croatia).
It will be streamed "live" via youtube at 21:00 CET.


The 2021 acts involved are:
  • Anxhela Peristeri – Albania
  • Albina – Croatia
  • Barbara Pravi – France
  • Destiny Chukunyere – Malta
  • Hurricane – Serbia
  • James Newman – United Kingdom
  • Jendrik Sigwart – Germany
  • Lesley Roy – Ireland
  • Måneskin – Italy
  • Natalia Gordienko – Moldova
  • Rafał Brzozowski – Poland
  • Roxen – Romania
  • Samanta Tīna – Latvia
  • The Black Mamba – Portugal
  • Vasil Garvanliev – North Macedonia
They will be joined by four guest performers:
  • Lorena – Participant in Dora 2019 and 2020
  • ToMa – Participant in Dora 2021
  • Tajči – Represented Yugoslavia at the Eurovision Song Contest 1990 in Zagreb
  • Darija Vračević – Represented Serbia at Junior Eurovision 2019


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
Looks very intresting but I have no idea how to read these graphs (musical notes) lol
For each country's graphic, you can basically ignore the right hand side, as it conveys pretty much the same information as the left hand side.

On the left hand side, you've got different lines for each note - you can take a piano and on it, play the key that corresponds to each line. If you do that for all lines of a country, you get all notes that country's song consists of. If a line is longer, than that note occurs more often in the song (so if it's not a line but just a single dot, than that note probably only appears once or twice in the song).

Based on that, you can for instance conclude for the ladies:
- I might have some beef with her song, but Eden's voice is just insane. By the end, she needs to hit the highest note of h6, which I believe - someone correct me if I am wrong - is pretty close to the barrier of what normal human ear can actually discern. Her closest competition is Montaigne (almost and octave lower) and Destiny (more than an octave lower).
- Geike hits the lowest note of d3, closely followed by Ana.
- Range wise, Eden is insane once again, her song needs exactly 3 octaves. Also showing some nice technical finesse are Montaigne, Ana, and Destiny, who all go for more than two octaves.
-It's probably not much of a surprise that Ukraine needs the smallest range of exactly one octave, though at least their notes are more equally distributed than Lithuania's (see below). Swimming in somewhat similar waters are Serbia and Ireland - but they at least use three demi-tones more than Ukraine.

And for the guys:
- Blas hits the highest male-sung note, closely followed by Jeangu, Damiano and Gjon's Tears
- on the other side, Daði hits the lowest note of f2, followed by Tornike, Tix, Vincent and Uku
- Blas needs to show the widest range, from e3 to g5. He is closely followed by Joel, Tix, Damiano and Tornike, all needing more than two octaves.
- on the other side are Lithuania, Poland and Denmark, all needing only around 1 octave. Lithuania needs exactly one octave and around 2/3s of the song are just two notes - f3 and c4.

Of course, the juries don't really go this deep with their analysis, if they even do any... but it could still perhaps point towards some advantage for :il:, and also for the likes of :au:, :mt:, :sl:, :es: and :no:, while on the other hand :ua: and :lt: could be slightly disadvantaged based on this criteria.


Well-known member
March 16, 2020
Yup, that's correct. It's also the reason why The Wrong Place might be the only song (from the songs performed by females) I can sing along too. Well, not that I have tried that by any other songs, but I probably won't succeed either.

And Gjon's Tears for the most part is just able to sing very dynamic. He can switch from one note to another pretty smoothly. Maybe that's what you heard in his song last year.

Samantha Tina's voice to me sounds quite low and deep, but her song from this year sounds higher and lighter than would really fit her voice. But that's just what I think to hear. As if Geike would sing Tout l'universe. Not saying that it's not good or something tho, she still is able to sing properly it seems.


February 28, 2018
By the way, tonight is the 3rd pre-party of the season (the Adriatic Pre Party hosted by Croatia).
It will be streamed "live" via youtube at 21:00 CET.


The 2021 acts involved are:
  • Anxhela Peristeri – Albania
  • Albina – Croatia
  • Barbara Pravi – France
  • Destiny Chukunyere – Malta
  • Hurricane – Serbia
  • James Newman – United Kingdom
  • Jendrik Sigwart – Germany
  • Lesley Roy – Ireland
  • Måneskin – Italy
  • Natalia Gordienko – Moldova
  • Rafał Brzozowski – Poland
  • Roxen – Romania
  • Samanta Tīna – Latvia
  • The Black Mamba – Portugal
  • Vasil Garvanliev – North Macedonia
They will be joined by four guest performers:
  • Lorena – Participant in Dora 2019 and 2020
  • ToMa – Participant in Dora 2021
  • Tajči – Represented Yugoslavia at the Eurovision Song Contest 1990 in Zagreb
  • Darija Vračević – Represented Serbia at Junior Eurovision 2019
No info yet on which stream we can watch it. Does anybody know?


Found it:



Well-known member
December 26, 2014
After being somewhat.. mildly enthusiastic about Eurovision 2021 and hosting during corona times, I'm now really excited to see how the show will turn out and how good (or bad) of a job our broadcasters will do, and I'm excited that the Netherlands will be the hosting nation for once.
Still disappointed however that we won't be hosting Eurovillage and Euroclub and all, but it obviously will be an edition well remembered, and by the looks of it, I guess it has all potential to turn out great.
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