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Eurovision 2020 Online - Predictions


December 23, 2018
Each year I post my prediction for the Grand Final on FB. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do so this year but I don't wanna lose this tradition... thus, here's my guess for tonight

#1 :lt: Lithuania
#2 :ch: Switzerland
#3 :bg: Bulgaria
#4 :az: Azerbaijan
#5 :il: Israel
#6 :it: Italy
#7 :ro: Romania
#8 :ru: Russia
#9 :is: Iceland
#10 :lv: Latvia
#11 :ge: Georgia
#12 :ua: Ukraine
#13 :de: Germany
#14 :se: Sweden
#15 :rs: Serbia
#16 :no: Norway
#17 :mt: Malta
#18 :al: Albania
#19 :be: Belgium
#20 :dk: Denmark
#21 :am: Armenia
#22 :pl: Poland
#23 :fr: France
#24 :es: Spain
#25 :nl: The Netherlands
#26 :uk: United Kingdom

:uk: and :fr: will get :0: points from the juries. :uk: - despite being liked by many - didn't convince anyone and will also get :0: points from the televoting whilst a few people will be voting for France and honestly, the new version is less utterly horrendous.
:nl: gets criminally underrated, :lv: criminally overrated due to a huge fanbase (I see Ms Tina being part of the Top 7 in the televoting).
:az: will get :12: points from :sm:
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