My prediction:
- Definitely no my winner but I wouldn't mind them winning.
- Any top 10 result would be satisfying for me but if they win it would be awesome.
- Although I really wish they would crash out the top 10 and FLOP!
- pls pls pls pls let them win
- screams jury winner and I kinda want them to win but not as much as Sweden.
Other countries that might do well (compared to what is expected from them):
- I don't think it will flop horribly but they might find themselves out of the top 5 (and maybe even out of top 10? maybe)
- I really hope for a top 5 result as they deserve it so bad but I think it is going to be a 6th-7th place.
- A power ballad from Norway can't fail it is just not how it works. Top 10 is pretty logical.
- I predict it out of the top 5 but there is a chance that between all of the uncertainty they might slid to a better place
- I hope for a good result for my home country and I think we might get through for the 10th place somehow but anywhere between 10-17 sounds reasonable.
- If there is going to be a surprise top 10 finisher it is Albania. I don't know, I just feel as they can't go beneath 15 place
- I think it is going to do well, and I don't need an excuse for that, it is just good, so sue me I don't care but it will br above 15
The F.L.O.P station
- Has a chance of finishing out of the top 10 sadly, but it might happen (but I really hope it won't happen)
- I don't exactly how much people like this, and I thought it will get a fair amount of support and now I am afraid they will be below 15th place.
- Seems to be a fan favourite but I think it will get kinda lost and FLOP!
- Another masterpiece that will blend with other ballads. preforming 4th certainly will not help, so I guess it might go right side of the scoreboard.
- Well this one id going down, even beneath 20th place and I hope that even lower but 20 sounds right
Countries that will do OK
- All should get to the middle positions with a slight chance of scoring a but higher/lower than that.
Bottom 5:
- screams last place with the televoters but night get some jury-help to avoid last place
- They preform second and I think it might be hard to get into for some people although I wish they would do much better
- The fact that it is a "fine" song with "fine" melody will not give them a "fine" result as usual
- Pretty expected to see them somewhere in the bottom, as it almost seems that no matters what Spain sends will probably be smashed by Europe
- I think we all see that one coming