Does anyone follow Eurojury? Eurovoix is in the process of releasing the jury results groups by groups.
The result of each country's jury results is released in the format of just identifying who forms the top 10 in alphabetical order and highlighting which 3 of the 10 forms the top 3.
I was so free and I did a basic spreadsheet to see how each of the 41 country fared in terms of appearances in the top 3 and top 10 list.
So far, 36 countries' jury results have been released (out of the 42 countries) and I am pretty appalled at how they are.
Top 10 countries in terms of appearances in the top 10 list from the 36 countries' jury results:
The following 2 countries have not appeared in any of the country's jury top 10 list of so far:
* There 2 participating countries in the actual ESC 2020 that do not have a jury panel - Russia and Spain.
* 3 non-participating countries in the actual ESC 2020 are involved in the jury ranking - Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary and Slovakia.