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Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

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Active member
December 16, 2016
Having said that I'm sure you're aware that not all clowns are the same. There are the successful ones and those who fail miserably in their mission that is to make people laugh.
I get the impression you might not get this difference, as you seem to be one of those cheerful people who are not very exacting, laughing easily at anything at hand.
Comedy is certainly not as easy a form of art as people seem to make it.

Who are you to say which clowns the circus should use if 83% people like it? Because the world should live by your distinguished taste, right?

And obviously you are wrong assuming anything. It does not make me laugh my pants off and roll on the ground, but I understand what it is trying to achieve. There is a difference.
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Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Also Italians that feel offended, need to get a life. It is not even about you. Singing in Italian is actually mocking Estonians, because we have like 100% success rate of sending everything remotely connecting to Italian to the Eurovision.
Personally I'm not offended at all by this clown and I get a happy life as everyone here.
Since I've, and you too, decided to be part of this community, we are dedicating some moments of our lives to this passion called Esc.
I'm OK considering this song as stupid as it is, with some Italian words and cliche but even in a circus style novelty act you should pay attention when you put some salt in an opened wound ( mafia). It has been a real problem for Italy in many years and many public personalities have been killed fighting against this social problem.
There are so many other clichés about Italy, dolce vita fashion ect ect so what's the point of using this mafia vibe staging.
It would have been the same if we Italians would be ironic about the fact that Estonians are the most alcoholic people in the world,without caring of being superficial to a delicate social problem.
I don't think so


Well-known member
June 20, 2013
Considering how it broke the internet already and no other Eurovision artist has ever had such promo from day 1, I am 100% sure we will be 1st in odds by the end of the week xlmao


June 16, 2018
Considering how it broke the internet already and no other Eurovision artist has ever had such promo from day 1, I am 100% sure we will be 1st in odds by the end of the week xlmao
If his team keep betting on themselves to go up in the odds sure. Anyone can do that. :lol:


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
If his team keep betting on themselves to go up in the odds sure. Anyone can do that. :lol:

Any actual proof for that? :unsure: Cause if not, you can say that about any entry. :LOL: Clearly the only reason Finland is second in the odds is because they keep betting on themselves! How do I know that? Well, I really don't, but I'll say it with confidence anyway. :giggle: I don't think it's that shocking people might throw a bet his way, given the news coverage his entry has gotten. Not that being fourth or third or even first in the odds at this point is any kind of guarantee for anything, much too early for that. Right before the ESC semis (or better yet the final) is probably the time you can count on the odds to be kind of accurate. Before that, there are still many unknowns. And even if televoters did have Tommy first, there's still those pesky juries to potentially ruin (or save, depending on your perspective) the day. :LOL: So I wouldn't bet on Tommy to win Eurovision myself, even tho' it would certainly be exciting if it somehow happened. :giggle: Aside from the inevitable s*itstorm on Twitter/ESC fandom. :LOL: But I guess it wouldn't be the first time our winning song is considered terrible by many, guess we're kind of used to it. :giggle:


October 1, 2009
The new song has just been released and the lyrics is a choice. Joost and Tommy Trash:

"I want to fly to Kyiv and go to Moscow (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
I wanna vote Kamala and also vote Trump" xfacepalm

"F**k the EBU, I don't want to go to court
The less get less and the more get more."

Now I see why ERR unfollowed him and didn't upload the video.


October 1, 2009
2 days ago Ziferblat on their live stream said they don't want to talk to him. It seems a few broadcasters are already aware of the situation.
If he goes to Basel, it's a guaranteed 0's from several juries.


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
Pretty sure the "ERR unfollowed him" thing was just made up. :unsure: Apparently the person who said that later admitted they never even knew if ERR was following him in the first place, they just assumed. :LOL: And his performance video is still up on the ERR website, so it's not likely there's any kind of ERR/Tommy drama brewing here.

Joost definitely still seems a bit sour on the EBU thing. :LOL: Probably time to move on at this point, but oh well. Considering the hate EBU always gets in the fandom these days, I guess there's probably a supportive audience for that song. :LOL:


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
I'm surprised to see so many negative reactions to the Tommy/Joost song. The song is basically saying what majority of fans were advocating for last may. xthink



October 1, 2009
Pretty sure the "ERR unfollowed him" thing was just made up. :unsure: Apparently the person who said that later admitted they never even knew if ERR was following him in the first place, they just assumed. :LOL: And his performance video is still up on the ERR website, so it's not likely there's any kind of ERR/Tommy drama brewing here.

Joost definitely still seems a bit sour on the EBU thing. :LOL: Probably time to move on at this point, but oh well. Considering the hate EBU always gets in the fandom these days, I guess there's probably a supportive audience for that song. :LOL:
"Denial is a river in Egypt" (c) xrofl
Not following him is even more weird, lol. Of course it's up on the website, they are obliged to upload everyone. Is it on Youtube? Has he signed a contract and what does it say about badmouthing the EBU?
The point is not about pro-Russian Dutch degenerate (only a total piece of shit will release a song "I love Russia. I want Russian women" during Bucha genocide and other massacres in Ukrainian cities, with a performer who praised former KGB o_O). It's about Estonian representative who has a collab with him that says "f**k the EBU" and calls for peace with Kremlin maniac.
Of course it has support. Same audience that made G*garina #2, lol.
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Well-known member
June 20, 2013
People who spread false information like “ERR unfollowed him” are absolutely pathetic. the actuall ERR instagram that is responsible for the entertainment in ETV (err_eeter), has followed him since eesti laul. The other instagram pages like eesti_televisioon and rahvusringhaaling normally never follow Eurovision artists, they only follow employees and their sub-pages. What is wrong with people?
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December 12, 2011
Milky Way
I don't recall people advocating peace with genocidal Kremlin maniac and praising Trump xthink
Fans were complaining about the fact Joost was disqualified because of his actions in the backstage while Israel wasn't disqualified for their delegation's behavior.
Or the fact that Russia was kicked out and Israel wasn't. For many this was seen as double standard of the EBU and this is what the song is about. A critique of the EBU. Whether it's justified or not is another story, but it's understandable that Joost holds a grudge. Who wouldn't?

Edgelord lyrics like namedropping Trump are just attention seeking.


March 11, 2013
Tommy Cash!!!
If Tommy Cash doesn't stay, I don't want to go to Basel!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Well-known member
May 17, 2013
I would like to see if Russia made an "offensive" song stuffed with stereotypes against Estonia, you would all be here crying scandal!
The Mafia is a very serious thing, like a war, there have been deaths in Italy over the years and these stupid songs are disrespectful towards the victims and their relatives! Shame on you!!!
I am surprised by the EBU that in the past years has censored for much more stupid things , they should intervene immediately instead they are silent.


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
"Denial is a river in Egypt" (c) xrofl
Not following him is even more weird, lol. Of course it's up on the website, they are obliged to upload everyone. Is it on Youtube? Has he signed a contract and what does it say about badmouthing the EBU?
The point is not about pro-Russian Dutch degenerate (only a total piece of shit will release a song "I love Russia. I want Russian women" during Bucha genocide and other massacres in Ukrainian cities, with a performer who praised former KGB o_O). It's about Estonian representative who has a collab with him that says "f**k the EBU" and calls for peace with Kremlin maniac.
Of course it has support. Same audience that made G*garina #2, lol.

I'm not entirely sure I read "we want peace with pu*in" out of that one line. :unsure: Someone can want to go to Moscow while realizing it's not going to happen while that genocidal fu*ker and his cronies are still in power. But I guess we'd have to ask Joost (or whoever wrote the lyrics, going to guess it was mostly him since it's his album) for the specific meaning. My (uneducated) guess is this is just a shitty edgelord humor song thrown together in 5 minutes to for LOLz. Don't get me wrong, I think that song is pretty garbage. :LOL: Aside from the dumb lyrics, it's just musically awful. Was never a fan of Joost's song last year nor his music in general, and haven't followed him personally to know what his thoughts or opinions are. :unsure: I guess it's fair enough to question Tommy's choice of friends/acquaintances in this regard. Haven't seen Tommy make any pro-ru**sian statements himself, but I don't really follow social media much. There hasn't been any related drama in local media, and there probably would have been. :LOL: He was likely hoping to make a breakthrough there back in the early days, but pretty sure he's buried that thought by this point. As for the EBU line, I imagine the song in question was probably written way before he won EL. Would have been wiser to wait with the release (or not release it at all since it's crap, but that's another matter :LOL:). But guess that was most likely Joost's decision to make. I kind of doubt EBU will care that much, as long as those aren't the lyrics of his actual ESC song. :unsure: Can they police the songs/opinions/posts of every ESC artist outside the show and ban them for it? I think people would have a major issue with it if they started doing that. :LOL: But I guess we'll see in due time.
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