Out of all the things to be accused of, not liking Eurovision has got to be the most absurd thing when it comes to me.Eurovision is not the right thing for you then, eh? Or you can listen to 60's ESC songs only and be happy (just a suggestion).
And I don't see only your negative comments. You only make negative comments! You clearly don't like Eurovision, why are you even here?Being a mod in a Eurovision forum

As to me not liking modern/contemporary stuff, I would say that Eurovision has definitely changed just recently in that regard. Eurovision used to be its own thing for the longest time. Sure, you've always been able to hear the influence and sound of the times in every decade, but Eurovision was still its own bubble. What was popular on the radio didn't necessarily reflect in each year's lineup. That's changed in only the past couple of years. This year's lineup, to me, sounds like a generic mash-up of what's currently popular in the mainstream. It's fine if you're happy with that. But it should also be fine if someone is not happy with that. I personally just want more musical diversity and more of each country's local flair and culture shining through.