I was at LEP too on Sunday! Very much enjoyed myself. Having had a few days to ponder, and have the buzz of the night subside, I've had a bit of time to form some thoughts.
Did you notice

Sarah point blank refused to sing a line of her song at least twice? It was really odd. First time I thought perhaps something had gone wrong/ she'd tripped/ needed to cough or something but then it happened again at the same moment in the chorus!
As far as

Paenda goes, her album song got a whole lot more love than Limits did. She definitely seemed to enjoy performing it more too. It was almost as if she wanted to get Limits out of the way so she could sing it. (This is when I heard the most "omg she should have sent
this one to Eurovision instead!" from the crowd. Which I also heard with

Michael Rice's own song, Church.)


did get a reaction from the crowd, I can't help feeling that some of that was down to the party/ clubbing atmosphere of the night. They could have done little yet people would still have been having a fun time/ dancing and cheering as they are fast songs. So I agree, it can be hard to judge the reaction of the viewers by it. By contrast, I think this can lose slower, more emotional songs like

Carousel and

Paenda, which get lost in the crowd a bit. (Of course not comparable to the Eurovision Stage). Having said that

Victor definitely impressed me. I liked the song before, but after seeing it live like that it has gone up in my rankings.
I felt a different experience with

Jonida on the ground. I felt she had a great response from the audience! Non English songs can be sung along to by non- natives of the song's language... If the song is popular enough. Take

Mahmood and

Miki as the biggest examples. People sang along to the whole thing, not just the chorus. At times you could fear the crowd would drown out the singers!
It does frustrate me when artists hand the microphone to the audience which

Leonara did far too much like you said. Don't get me wrong, doing it occasionally like

Miki did works great, especially with a song like La Venda. But I do feel a bit cheated when I've purchased a ticket to hear people perform, and they spend it standing in silence with a microphone to the audience for what feels like most of it.
Biggest Improvement since NS have to go to

Eliot and

Bilal. Their vocals have clearly improved which was nice to see. Also

Michael I think benefited from the small stage, as he didn't move around the stage/ flap his arms around so much compared to You Decide.
I did enjoy

Duncan's performance, though I do feel a bit of the intimacy was lost. The audience did go absolutely crazy for him though (which could have been part of the reason for the loss of intimacy.
I agree,



Mahmood &

KEiiNO were the biggest stand outs of the evening! Everything about them worked. From the vocals, to the reaction and to the staging.
It also confirmed that

is my winner for the year. Though I'd be happy if any of those 4 won Eurovision 2019.
As for Cafe de Paris, I don't think it was a bad venue per say, you certainly felt like you were really there with them as they performed, which I think can be lost in a bigger arena. The prices were absolutely ridiculous though, especially considering that LEP posted they'd negotiated some drink deals. Though you do expect that for London.
All in all, I would absolutely go again in future years.