Come on people, just try to UNDERSTAND the meaning of those words (refrain of the song):
CELEBRATE every single step you take
(man, (woman) be HAPPY, because you are still alive, you are here today)
Stop the world for a moment
(try not to think about all the bad things happen around you and try to forget your daily routine for a second at least),
shine like a comet, nothing can stop you now
(just be HAPPY, nothing in the world and nobody can forbid it to you)
Optimistic and cheerful song and lyrics, that's what we all need today! Don't you think so? Why always the same, heartbreaking and spent texts about never realized love, "he or she left me and now I am unhappy blah blah... and I will do this or that"....blah blah and similar? I think that was enough listening such texts and songs every single year!