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I think he was talking about "I love Belarus".
It doesn't get more subliminal than this
Ups, that's true. 'I love Belarus' is a declaration of patriotism. I love the microphones of 2011.
I think he was talking about "I love Belarus".
It doesn't get more subliminal than this
I just wish somebody would teach him different dance steps. Those he does are simply too ridiculous and distracting.
I have to totally disagree on that! I think his moves are part of what makes this an enjoyable performance, "teaching dance steps" will just make it look contrived and unnatural and not fun at all.
I think the new version of the song is worse than the original
It's pure crap, and I don't even wanna think about the 'wanna open your cheesecake line' meaning.
NO! xslapOkay, no need to comment on this one, it's bound to be changed, will it?