re: AZERBAIJAN 2014 - Dilara Kazimova
as far as Azeri music goes, I think it is very rich and it actually fuses extremely well with other genres and other ethnic elements.
here is just a tiny bit of we have:
This is an old Azeri folk song "Lachin" performed by an Israeli duo Anna RF in collaboration with an azerbaijani artist Imamyar Hasanov.
here the collaboration between famous Norwegian choir Skruk and azerbaijani artists Brillian Dadasheva and Ilgar Muradov
The song Landet vi Kommer Fra is based on azeri folk song "Sari Gelin"
based on song Sensiz Olan by Galib Mammadov
and here is a completely different direction yet no less awesome. Famous azeri singer Alim Qasimov (you may remember him as a guy who sang with Sabina Babayeva last year) together with an acclaimed South American band Altiplano. They mixed two folk songs - an azeri Endim Bulaq Basina and Cuban Son de Mayari
I absolutely love this trek.
and then there is this.
this is an old song from 80s. Briliant Dadasheva sings "Bayatilar" by Eldar Mansurov (can you imagine that all music videos back in the USSR looked like this

this song has been remade in Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Serbia, Iran, Russia and god knows in how many more countries
but the most famous rendition is of course this one:
and then there is of course this. One of the most recognizable melodies from Buddha-Bar series. Sen gelmez oldun
and this is only a fraction of what azerbaijani music is all about. Now why Ictimai is not tapping into this vast resourse I don't know. I'm just as puzzled as the next guy. But if I have to guess, I think it may have to do with the fact vast majority of the ESC audience is not into this kind of music. If you look at past winners almost all of them were of a cookie-cutter variety.