It keeps telling me it's private, even though I've logged in. -.-'
(I guess my second after Eleftheria).
I got curious about the mentioned national instruments and did a research, because I know kamancha is an Iranian string instrument, but I have never heard of "balaban."
... Well, apparently "balaban" is what they call Armenian duduk in Azerbaijan.
The word duduk has also the Turkish origin as most of the Armenian words.
Karakalpakstan – Balaman
There may be many ballads this year but at least there is not a disney one amongst them. Most this year are very sophisticated and strong.
Dagestan – Balaban
China – Guanzi
Armenia – Duduk
Georgia – Duduki
Turkey – Mey
Korea – Khuanpiri
Iran – Balaban
Uzbekistan – Balaban (Bulamon)
Karakalpakstan – Balaman
Kyrgyzstan – Kamish Sirnay
Japan – Khichiriki