Ok, so Austria entry is the coronavirus/lockdown song.
In the music video, it start out in a small room that invokes. A coffin or six under feet. The verse talks about a funeral/ burial but might also refer to the millions who have died. The ‘amen’ sound like a curse and the ‘is this what you wanted’ pointed at god
As it moves along a window open reveals a crow. A marker of death. But also makes the room look like a closet. Signifying self-quarantine. Also depression and suicidal thoughts.
As the room keeps getting bigger it it get brighter. Giving hope to the situation. Endings in a roof top the crow turns in a Phoenix or sarimanok. Meaning hope.
This reminds me of the book of job. doubt on religion and even god is the central theme of that book.
Vincent having loss his daughter, aunt and his cousin being diagnose with cancer. gives more meaning to the song.
I have now thought about your interpretation for a long time and have come to the conclusion that it is largely correct.
I would even go a step further and claim that the content is downright shocking not only for an ESC song but also for a song Vincent sings.
We all know Vincent is very, very religious.
I know he doesn't like the word "religious", but let's face it, he is.
When he won the contest "Musical!" he yelled "I love you! I love you! I love you!" He didn't mean the audience that voted for him or his blonde girlfriend at the time who was sitting in the audience and, in my opinion, was referring it to herself. He meant God.
What was very unusual after the release of AMEN, when the ORF very quickly hurried to emphasize that it is not a Corona song or a church song, but it's about the end of a relationship. The TV boss, otherwise very eloquent, had trouble formulating a statement.
Vincent didn't write the song and I'm not sure if he thought through the context properly or even wanted to think through it. Or he did but will never admit it.
The shocking truth is that the song is an indictment against God because of corona and the many who died.
It's just another funeral to you.
Is this what you wanted?
You didn't even try to save us!
But every delivered interpretation of the song suits Vincent, whether he wants it or not. He quickly emphasizes that the song is not "autobiographical".
The breakup with his blonde girlfriend was very hurtful. I think she kicked him out and he had to go home to his parents flat and he was suicidal at the time.
Then of course the loss of his daughter. They knew for quite some time they would lose her. This pain is unimaginable.