Alaska49 also this year the "Austrian bubble" has burst!
I don't understand how people can be prevented against a nation that has brought respectable artists in recent years
I have read comments full of adoration for Eden Alene and her song
I tried to say that it resembled Shakira's "Waka Waka" and down the fans to explain deep concepts and demonstrate the empirical rules of music to their full potential
Vincent Bueno sings "Alive" and ... "It looks like Justin Timberlake ... Bruno Mars ... Michael Jackson"
... These meters of unequal measurement between nation to nation from interpreter to interpreter surprise me
There are few objective comments that I have read.
The Austrian song is pure energy
, full of joy
, and is a well structured song (harmony is powerful and does not disperse as happened with "Feker Libi"). Yes, the song has strong references to the rhythms of Timberlake, Mars, Jackson but manages to remain original and fresh to listen.
I agree with RainyWoods when he writes that the Austrian song is closer to the spectator's tastes than the German song (which I like a lot
) but I don't agree with Lavieenrose. If this song were sung by women, would it be more appreciated? No, this song if the Baltic countries or the Scandinavian countries or Iceland and Israel had sung it all would tear their clothes and shout at the masterpiece
So my thought is ... let's start dancing! For me it's