ORF, the Austrian national broadcaster has informed esctoday.com that 9 out of the 10 candidates will be officially presenting their songs tonight in one of the most fashionable nightclubs in Vienna, Volksgarten. Blockstars will not present their entry tonight, hence they will be officially presenting their entry on the 2nd of February. ORF has also informed esctoday that snippets of the entries will be online as of tonight on 0E3 Radio's website. Austrian radio will start airing the competing entries in their full length from tomorrow onwards in random order.
Austria will be hosting its 2012 Eurovision national final on the 24th of February where a total of 10 acts will compete for the golden ticket to Baku. The Austrian national final will be held at the ORF Studios in Vienna, and it is most likely we will have 3 hosts for the show. It is most likely that the Austrian entry and representative will be chosen via televoting. ORF has also mentioned to esctoday.com that it will be revealing the titles of the competing songs tomorrow. More details regarding the Austrian national final will be released in due course.
Fans will be able to listen to the snippets of the competing entries as of tonight, when the official website of Austrian radio OE3 will publish them.
The 10 candidates in alphabetical order that will compete at the 2012 Austrian national final are:
James Cottriall
Norbert Schneider
Conchita Wurst
Wildcard: Mary Broadcast Band
Austria debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest back in 1957 with the song Wohin kleine Pony and has won Europe's favourite television show only once in 1966 with Udo Jürgen's Merci Chérie. Who will follow into Nadine Bieler's footsteps and get the chance to represent Austria in Baku? We have to wait and see. Stay tuned to esctoday.com for the latest news on Austria and its 2012 Eurovision national final.