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Australia AUSTRALIA 2023 - Voyager - Promise

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ESC United Mod Team

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February 10, 2021

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Well-known member
January 30, 2019
:8: I quite like it at first listen but I probably have to discover it live to be entirely sold to it.

i anixi

Well-known member
March 20, 2011
Wow, love it love it love it! So complex and yet so uplifting. So many surprises, just like a ride on a roller coaster. If the show will get monotonous along the way, and it's bound to as so many dreary entries are finding their path into it, this will wake up everyone. What a wonderful energy , how powerful it does sound.
If they manage to translate this on to the stage they could have the trophy, no complains from me.
In a negative note, it's just a little bit of an unfortunate coincidence that he looks a tiny wee little bit like that horrible hairy Englishman from last year, but hey, no one is perfect ☺️
My favourite so far along with Spain, and with Italy and Estonia in tow. The only 4 songs worth listening to at this point, imo. France is kind of ok, like. Average I guess. The rest is muck.

PS. Got curious, so went and listened to Dreamer for the first time. Very good, but I felt Promise to be superior. Not a popular opinion I know, but quite unbiased as I heard both almost at the same time.
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Active member
February 17, 2022
I know I sound really petty as fuck but I just need SBS to confirm they're intending to keep going and participating. Then I can jump on board with this entry haha. It's not a bad song, I haven't really seen anyone say it's actually bad - so doesn't seem as divisive of an entry as Sheldon was. That was truly an awful song lol.


Well-known member
May 15, 2015
no surprises there that I was going to love this; "Dreamer" was a great song last year and after their Australia Decides loss I wanted to see them in Eurovision as badly as they themselves wanted this as well (as far as keeping on sending songs to SBS every year SINCE AUSTRALIA'S VERY DEBUT lol I love the dedication, at least they didn't have to wait as long as Jalisse has to to get on to Sanremo again).

This ain't no "Dreamer", indeed, BUT the qualities are there - the breakdown part where in the music video they use these stop-rotating effects like it was a CapCut-fan-edited-fancam but better, it was something I missed the most from last year. BUT it does still bite considering "Dreamer" is miles ahead and would have been one of my favourite Eurovision songs of all time (Kai's words earlier on this thread spoke into my soul lol). It's just a perfect blend of everything Voyager was able to do. "Promise" is quite far from the perfection I was seeking out, and also a lot of elements aren't spaced out quite right, BUT I still ended up wanting to listen to that song a lot just like with "Dreamer".

:12: with ease.
Love that this has been the year where more than one country gave me a past NF act that I loved and desired to see in Eurovision (Sudden Lights in Latvia and now this); if only Tananai was there to complete the trifecta. :lol:
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April 1, 2021
Seen some bizarre complaints about this choice by SBS for picking a "white male band" A) Australia has never sent a white man before I'd maybe understand the complaint if they had frequently sent white men before given how ethnically diverse Australia is B) The person on guitar is a woman???


February 9, 2012
Seen some bizarre complaints about this choice by SBS for picking a "white male band" A) Australia has never sent a white man before I'd maybe understand the complaint if they had frequently sent white men before given how ethnically diverse Australia is B) The person on guitar is a woman???

If this was the other way round and it was someone complaining about Australia sending a band of [insert non white ethnicity here] people it would rightfully be seen as racist. So far to my knowledge Australia has had artists with indigenous Australian, Asian and Latin American backgrounds. People will just have to cope with Australia sending their first white men to Eurovision, and maybe get some comfort in the knowledge that the band's lead singer is a migrant himself, who has a day job as an immigration lawyer, helping people from all backgrounds to move to Australia.


I know who I'm calling to help me move down under

Edit: Anyway, where were those comments from? That sounds like Twitter twaddle. Get off Twitter! Although going to Voyager's page momentarily just then to see upset users with Dami Im profile pictures rudely dismissing the band, and foreseeing their flop has brought me my day's entertainment.
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April 1, 2021
If this was the other way round and it was someone complaining about Australia sending a band of [insert non white ethnicity here] people it would rightfully be seen as racist. So far to my knowledge Australia has had artists with indigenous Australian, Asian and Latin American backgrounds. People will just have to cope with Australia sending their first white men to Eurovision, and maybe get some comfort in the knowledge that the band's lead singer is a migrant himself, who has a day job as an immigration lawyer, helping people from all backgrounds to move to Australia.


I know who I'm calling to help me move down under

Edit: Anyway, where were those comments from? That sounds like Twitter twaddle. Get off Twitter! Although going to Voyager's page momentarily just then to see upset users with Dami Im profile pictures rudely dismissing the band, and foreseeing their flop has brought me my day's entertainment.
I’ve seen it in various places not just twitter even the more sensible Eurovision discussion places, I hate twitter though


November 15, 2020
One of the worst Australian entries for me personally. I don't like them as a band tbh, they seem rather unlikable (seem I'm not saying they actually are).

They're lucky that they're in semi 2. And even there I'm not sure about their qualification.

I find it strange that they decided to go internal for a rather unknown band. seems kinda weird.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
it's not that it's bad, it's just that it comes across as pretty uncompetitive to me.

now they can bring amazing staging, but I don't see how they can elevate the song that much to get a top 10 finish in the end


March 13, 2018
Seen some bizarre complaints about this choice by SBS for picking a "white male band" A) Australia has never sent a white man before I'd maybe understand the complaint if they had frequently sent white men before given how ethnically diverse Australia is B) The person on guitar is a woman???

Where did you see those complaints?! May I guess, was it on twitter? There's a lot of woke virtue signalling there.
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