Re: 5th Semi - ADAMSBURG AE NF! PG: 5 DDL: 29/4 23 CET!
So...which song will be the last one to qualify and will have number 13 in the running order in the final...
The song that quallifies is...
"And I Found This Boy" Maia Hirasawa
This means that we have a final line up that looks like this!
1. "Gamen" Garmarna
2. "True Believer" Edith Backlund
3. "Happyland" Amanda Jenssen
4. "Vuorien Taa" Indica
5. "This Moment" Marie Picasso
6. "Irene" Sofia Jannok
7. "Flower Power Supergirl" NEO
8. "Zirkus" M.I.A.
9. "Big City Love" Laleh
10. "Save My Pride" BWO
11. "Pizza" Adiam Dymott
12. "Party I Provinsen" Hej Matematik
13. "And I Found This Boy" Maia Hirasawa
14. "Pieni Ja Ihmeellinen" Retropop
15. "Laughing With" Regina Spektor
The final will start tomorrow night!

May the best song win and thanks all the voters in all semis!