All jokes aside. Well that's a nice note to go out on in 2024. In a year generally full of ups and downs (starting it with one of my favourite artists NQing, with a win along the way, and finishing it with top 3) this is something I shouldn't be complaining about, hah! (Although, if Anna didn't stand in our way, we could've gotten the "iconic" RainySvai top 2 repeat from WV 132 ;-; but alas, wasn't meant to be)
Thanks to everyone who voted for "Black Nirvana":
How come I got this far without a single 12 tho?
(Nelisa *hisssssss*)
Congratulations Rainy for yet another one of your wins, winning with Anastacia not once but twice must feel incredible for you. I kept repeating this over and over in the Discord server, but while listening to all semifinalists at once for WV 194, "Heavy on My Heart" played on my second attempted heartburn attack while in a Polish supermarket, that kind of went away because I calmed myself down enough and popped a heart pill earlier when attack nr. 1 hit me, but still, I can argue that all this shopping was... heavy on my heart

And hey we exchanged 1 points! That's too small but there's some mutuality! :3
Going into this edition I honest to God thought Paris was gonna be one of the victory contenders and that alone would motivate John to stay in Paris just for the hosting duties before claiming the entire region Paris is surrounded by. Idk about China though, seemed like a solid qualifier to me.
And congratulations to England for taking the Place of Real Winners - Wolf Alice kind of have better songs than that, when I once heard "Don't Delete the Kisses" I felt lovestruck by it but that was only when I was in the right mood for falling in love... with an X Factor contestant. Who later started dating a somewhat known actress, anyway. When that mood was gone, so was my immediate lovestuckness, but the thought was there.
For WV 195 this would've worked if Rainy didn't decline hosting because I'm finally gonna send That One Song I was putting off for two editions in a row, because I ran out of my Pot A/B fuel for now, sort of. But I'm confident enough Anna's gonna do a great job too.