Calling all WLSC competitors!!
As NSC's stylish little sibling approaches its historic DOUBLE CENTENARY next edition,

is announcing today our plans to welcome back 20 of your favourite WLSC competitors from the previous 8 and bit years of Moisantia participations and we want your help in deciding the line up for a MEGA NF to start pretty much asap - time waits for no-one hunnay!
The head of delegation has revealed the 5 artists already pre-selected to participate (for now, their songs are being kept under wraps) but without further ado, we can reveal that they are...
So now, it's over to you guys. Which previous WLSC stars from the

archives would you like to see participate with another song in this special anniversary NF for WLSC 200? There's another 15 spots to fill, so it's all up for the taking! Also, feel free to suggest songs for any of the 5 pre-selected acts or your own suggestions
Not sure who we've sent previously? No worries - just click >>here<< to be taken to the first post of this thread that contains a complete list of all of our previous WLSC entries
Since I want to give you guys plenty of time to vote in this NF, I need to put quite a tight deadline on suggestions of
FRIDAY 26th JUNE at 13:00CET. If we don't get enough suggestions, our HoD will internally select the remainder
To keep the element of surprise, please send your suggestions in a conversation directly to me
And of course, in the new tradition of WLSC, I hope to be able to host (or enlist the help of another kind soul to host) a LL on the evening of Friday 26th June after the full NF has been posted. So all nations - and that goes for main roster nations and defunct nations as well - come and join the fun in Moisantia to celebrate WLSC turning 200!!!