MOISANTIA ||| NSC 176 ||| We break everything inside these hotel walls
There is growing distaste at MTV from NSC fans who have declared the broadcaster's decision to snub Saara Aalto's new Christmas song (penned by ex-Moisantian finalist Kylie Minogue) for NSC 176. Aalto, in a recent interview with breakfast radio presenter Zak Herson, said "I was excited to submit my new track to MTV for consideration but sadly they decided to go in another direction and avoid any Christmas themed songs this year. I still hope to perform some live shows in Moisantia in the run up to Christmas and wish Smith & Thell lots of luck in Fervorosia!"
More on this developing story as it unfolds. We're still waiting for the MTV NSC delegation's take in the situation, but we suspect they will remain impartial so as not to overshadow Smith & Thell's participation.
Here's what a Christmas-themed Moisantia 176 entry might have sounded like...