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  1. ArmpitOfEurope

    Greece GREECE 2024 - Marina Satti - Zari

    I think she will eventually go with something she wrote or at least co wrote herself. The trap with Marina is not to go overly artistic, resulting in the esc audience not getting the song. Its amazing when you bring originality to esc, but it needs to be mainstream/accesible too, otherwise it...
  2. ArmpitOfEurope

    Greece GREECE 2024 - Marina Satti - Zari

    Marina when she listened to those 150 songs:
  3. ArmpitOfEurope

    The jury points of Loreen

    Each to their own but its hard for me to believe that there were people that really thought that her package wasnt among the best 3 in that final. She had no real competition in the jury field, she was basically playing alone, there was not a single jury box she didnt tick. And I get thats what...
  4. ArmpitOfEurope

    Cyprus CYPRUS 2024 - Silia Kapsis - Liar

    If they really give this girl Melissa's Liar I will be dissapointed, she deserves something fresher and specifically made for her Tbh Im relieved shes not going with Greece, after the trauma Vernicos caused me I dont want an artist that young for Greece ever again I hope she does well for Cyprus...
  5. ArmpitOfEurope

    The jury points of Loreen

    I love how the '' outside of top 10 '' are mostly 11s and 12s and the lowest 17, not a single juror found it worthy of bottom 8, what a slay :xo:
  6. ArmpitOfEurope

    The jury points of Loreen

    Professionals doing their job professionaly
  7. ArmpitOfEurope

    Greece GREECE 2024 - Marina Satti - Zari

    Tbh, Vernicos wasnt a diaspora singer, he grew up and lives in Greece. If I have learnt something all these years Im watching ESC is that the entries that do great at the contest are the ones with strong identities, nothing to do with where the artists live. Amanda's Die together had an identity...
  8. ArmpitOfEurope

    Greece GREECE 2024 - Marina Satti - Zari

    Satti?? This has been the dream of greek eurofans for so long 😭 Shes gonna slay!
  9. ArmpitOfEurope

    The jury points of Loreen

    This year the greek jury gave only 4 to Cyprus
  10. ArmpitOfEurope

    The jury points of Loreen

    She should have got 432 but ok
  11. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2024 - Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable

    I like popular but those lyrics 😭 However he should have won over beige vanilla Voices in Melfest with Every Minute, which was an ESC top 6 entry but swedish televoters decided to shoot themselves again in the foot and the juries didnt make up for the televoters' mistake ( as they often do )
  12. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2023 - Loreen - Tattoo

    When juries use the 100% capacity of their brains
  13. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2024 - Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable

    Air wasn't bad either, wouldnt have won but would have brought Sweden another top 6 result. And yes overall the quality has dropped and thats a problem when you have a 2-month national final with 4 semis. Sweden will continue doing well in ESC coz 1 good entry is all it takes, but Melfest needs...
  14. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2024 - Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable

    Will be interesting to see how Sweden will do next year, with the infamous " host country curse ". In 2013 the curse worked, in 2016 it didnt. The only thing I know for sure is that nothing in Melfest is gonna top Tattoo in years to come, that Heat 4 performance is Melfest's peak.
  15. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2023 - Loreen - Tattoo

    Didnt talk about literal hate, its just a song contest afterall. Liking and disliking, loving and shading entries is part of being a eurofan so of course you can dislike Tattoo as much as I dislike Cha cha cha 😭, its all good. Things get out of line only when fans attack artists on a personal...
  16. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2023 - Loreen - Tattoo

    I just needed to trigger the people that are still upset coz she walked over their favourite ( and are lurking here just to hate ), I hadnt done this for weeks 🤭🤭 Caught one fast tho 🤪🤪
  17. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2023 - Loreen - Tattoo Its such a great contemporary track. Doing exceptional on spotify, It has now surpassed Soldi in streams and is about to surpass Euphoria too. Not only she has won the contest twice, she has done it with 2 of the most successful esc...
  18. ArmpitOfEurope

    Ireland IRELAND 2023 - Wild Youth - We Are One

    About as much as I was expecting, coz serving golden cameltoe is expensive :xo:
  19. ArmpitOfEurope

    Sweden SWEDEN 2023 - Loreen - Tattoo

    I think the biggest throw off for many jurors about Finland was his bad vocals and not the genre, and he still finished 4th with them with 150 points, you should be thankful xkiss
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