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Sweden SWEDEN 2023 - Loreen - Tattoo

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  • 12

    95 36.7%
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    25 9.7%
  • 8

    29 11.2%
  • 7

    30 11.6%
  • 6

    26 10.0%
  • 5

    12 4.6%
  • 4

    14 5.4%
  • 3

    6 2.3%
  • 2

    5 1.9%
  • 1

    2 0.8%
  • 0

    15 5.8%

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September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
I was a bit bored recently so I decided to look on how often "Tattoo" is being played on the radio here in :de:. I´ve chosen 24 radio channels (9 ARD Pop channels + 15 commercial radio stations) and looked from July 10th until July 16th in their playlists. I also compared it with Rosa Linns "Snap" to see how popular it still is more than a year after Turin.

Let´s start with the pop channels who were part of the selection process in 2022.
  1. NDR 2 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 13x​
  2. WDR 2 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 4x​
  3. Bremen Vier - Tattoo 0x, Snap 9x​
  4. Antenne Brandenburg - Tattoo 1x Snap 2x​
  5. SR1 - Tattoo 14x, Snap 5x​
  6. MDR Jump - Tattoo 14x, Snap 13x​
  7. hr3 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 12x​
  8. SWR 3 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 10x​
  9. Bayern 3 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 16x​
As you can see most of these channels either don´t or just rarely play "Tattoo", with the exceptions of MDR Jump and SR1. Interestingly NDR 2, the Pop radio of the broadcaster who´s responsbile for the ESC here in :de: didn´t play the song a single time last week after being very supportive at the beginning whereas MDR Jump who almost completely ignored "Tattoo" at the beginning now almost plays it in hot rotation.

But what about the commercial radios?? Are they more supportive of Loreen?? I´ve chosen the most listened radio stations.
  1. Antenne Bayern (Bavaria) - Tattoo 12x, Snap 11x​
  2. Radio Regenbogen (Baden-Württemberg) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 16x​
  3. RPR1 (Rhineland-Palatinate) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 5x​
  4. Hitradio FFH (Hesse) - Tattoo 1x, Snap 9x​
  5. Radio Salü (Saarland) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 40x​
  6. Antenne Thüringen (Thuringia) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 14x​
  7. Radio PSR (Saxony) - Tattoo 16x, Snap 2x​
  8. Radio SAW (Saxony-Anhalt) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 12x​
  9. BB Radio (Brandenburg) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 11x​
  10. Ostseewelle (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 14x​
  11. radio ffn (Lower Saxony) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 35x​
  12. Radio Hamburg - Tattoo 0x, Snap 3x​
  13. R.SH (Schleswig-Holstein) - Tattoo 3x, Snap 16x​
  14. 104.6 RTL (Berlin) - Tattoo 30x, Snap 29x​
  15. 94,3 rs2 (Berlin) - Tattoo 45x, Snap 11x​

As you can see with a few exceptions most of the commercial stations tend to ignore "Tattoo" as well, only a few really play it, some of them even very excessivly (Berlin). On the other side "Snap" is still played very often, no matter what kind of channel it is.
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Well-known member
February 12, 2022
I was a bit bored recently so I decided to look on how often "Tattoo" is being played on the radio here in :de:. I´ve chosen 24 radio channels (9 ARD Pop channels + 15 commercial radio stations) and looked from July 10th until July 16th in their playlists. I also compared it with Rosa Linns "Snap" to see how popular it still is more than a year after Turin.

Let´s start with the pop channels who were part of the selection process in 2022.
  1. NDR 2 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 13x​
  2. WDR 2 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 4x​
  3. Bremen Vier - Tattoo 0x, Snap 9x​
  4. Antenne Brandenburg - Tattoo 1x Snap 2x​
  5. SR1 - Tattoo 14x, Snap 5x​
  6. MDR Jump - Tattoo 14x, Snap 13x​
  7. hr3 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 12x​
  8. SWR 3 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 10x​
  9. Bayern 3 - Tattoo 0x, Snap 16x​
As you can see most of these channels either don´t or just rarely play "Tattoo", with the exceptions of MDR Jump and SR1. Interestingly NDR 2, the Pop radio of the broadcaster who´s responsbile for the ESC here in :de: didn´t play the song a single time last week after being very supportive at the beginning whereas MDR Jump who almost completely ignored "Tattoo" at the beginning now almost plays it in hot rotation.

But what about the commercial radios?? Are they more supportive of Loreen?? I´ve chosen the most listened radio stations.
  1. Antenne Bayern (Bavaria) - Tattoo 12x, Snap 11x​
  2. Radio Regenbogen (Baden-Württemberg) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 16x​
  3. RPR1 (Rhineland-Palatinate) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 5x​
  4. Hitradio FFH (Hesse) - Tattoo 1x, Snap 9x​
  5. Radio Salü (Saarland) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 40x​
  6. Antenne Thüringen (Thuringia) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 14x​
  7. Radio PSR (Saxony) - Tattoo 16x, Snap 2x​
  8. Radio SAW (Saxony-Anhalt) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 12x​
  9. BB Radio (Brandenburg) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 11x​
  10. Ostseewelle (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 14x​
  11. radio ffn (Lower Saxony) - Tattoo 0x, Snap 35x​
  12. Radio Hamburg - Tattoo 0x, Snap 3x​
  13. R.SH (Schleswig-Holstein) - Tattoo 3x, Snap 16x​
  14. 104.6 RTL (Berlin) - Tattoo 30x, Snap 29x​
  15. 94,3 rs2 (Berlin) - Tattoo 45x, Snap 11x​

As you can see with a few exceptions most of the commercial stations tend to ignore "Tattoo" as well, only a few really play it, some of them even very excessivly (Berlin). On the other side "Snap" is still played very often, no matter what kind of channel it is.

Are we pretending Tattoo isnt a hit now and we are basing it on a comparison to an esc song that blew up everywhere thanks to tik tok? 🤣
What a random comparison, Id like to see Tattoo Vs Cha Cha Cha ( guessing its plays are non existent tho ) or Tattoo vs the previous winner, Stefania.

Note1: Need to remember that Germans have questionable taste in music, judging by their esc entries year after year. 😅
Note2: Tattoo is, at this very moment - 2 months after esc -the 51th most streamed song in Germany
and still trending on german youtube, at #35.
So who cares about some radio stations? Mother is mothering
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Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Note1: Need to remember that Germans have questionable taste in music, judging by their esc entries year after year. 😅

Lol, our Entries dont represent our Music Taste, like that random Victor Guy (hopefully) doesnt represent the greek Music Taste.


September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
Are we pretending Tattoo isnt a hit now and we are basing it on a comparison to an esc song that blew up everywhere thanks to tik tok? 🤣
What a random comparison, Id like to see Tattoo Vs Cha Cha Cha ( guessing its plays are non existent tho ) or Tattoo vs the previous winner, Stefania.

Note1: Need to remember that Germans have questionable taste in music, judging by their esc entries year after year. 😅
Note2: Tattoo is, at this very moment - 2 months after esc -the 51th most streamed song in Germany
and still trending on german youtube, at #35.
So who cares about some radio stations? Mother is mothering

Well, at least here in :de: "Snap" was more successful and as I said I just wanted to look how often "Tattoo" is being played here, so no need to be bitchy about that. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
Lol, our Entries dont represent our Music Taste, like that random Victor Guy (hopefully) doesnt represent the greek Music Taste.

That was just a joke but youre right, especially about the Victor guy and Greece 😭
And anyway I saw how well shes been doing there in streaming so I take it back 😭😋


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Austrians dont have rights to complain about Juries.


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
Tattoo broke the record of winning Eurovision with the least amount of 12 televoting points. This record is gonna last forever. The streaming record on this Swedish platform is gonna be broken anytime some.

Sweden also broke the record of barring record breaking televote winners from winning. Leading with 2, everyone else 0.

We stan a record breaker Queen xheart


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
Tattoo broke the record of winning Eurovision with the least amount of 12 televoting points.

But really, who cares? She's got 15 12s from the juries! You really need to realise that televote isn't being considered more important in a 50-50 system, they literally have the same power. '' But its not democratic bla bla '' yeah this is a music contest, not the election of the next president. There are tv contests where the winner is decided 100% by juries, and even inside the esc world itself, in most of the national finals juries own the same amount of power, or for many countries only a handful of people decide for the winner via internal selections. So congrats to Finland for winning the tele, he was always going to, he had a very strong card in his sleeves anyway: the kidz vote highly boosted his tele score.
In my book tho, in the current system, someone who finishes 1st with the juries and 2nd with the tele deserves way more to win than someone who finished 4th and 1st
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Well-known member
February 12, 2022
You are right. These juries are not democratic, because they are much older than the artists and only represent mainstream pop and classic.

I think the biggest throw off for many jurors about Finland was his bad vocals and not the genre, and he still finished 4th with them with 150 points, you should be thankful xkiss


Well-known member
May 23, 2017


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
I see, the group ****ing about this entry is still going on here.:LOL:

I just needed to trigger the people that are still upset coz she walked over their favourite ( and are lurking here just to hate ), I hadnt done this for weeks 🤭🤭 Caught one fast tho 🤪🤪


September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
I just needed to trigger the people that are still upset coz she walked over their favourite ( and are lurking here just to hate ), I hadnt done this for weeks 🤭🤭 Caught one fast tho 🤪🤪

Well, not liking and "hating" (really overused word) something are two completely different things. But well, if you feel comfortable with this black and white thinking so it be. xshrug


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
Well, not liking and "hating" (really overused word) something are two completely different things. But well, if you feel comfortable with this black and white thinking so it be. xshrug

Didnt talk about literal hate, its just a song contest afterall. Liking and disliking, loving and shading entries is part of being a eurofan so of course you can dislike Tattoo as much as I dislike Cha cha cha 😭, its all good.
Things get out of line only when fans attack artists on a personal level, commenting about their appearance, weight, age, ethnicity etc. Those are the real hateful people. Luckily there arent people like this on this forum, thats why I like it.
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