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    No matter how I made you feel or what I put you through I just can't control. I'm still rave about you.
    Oh, I read The Hunger Games triology years ago! I love it a lot. I know about Divergent and in fact, I randomly started reading the first book some days ago! I am at like the 8th chapter. And it has been interesting so far. I don't know about the 3rd one but it sounds very promising! :eek:
    Festivali i Kenges list is out. I am not so into Albanian artists though, so I can't even recall them, unless they are so famous or ex Eurovision oriented.
    Malta & Italy revealed their lists too. And also Sweden. Belarus as well. Lithuania, Germany. Omg, pretty much almost everyone.

    Oh, what have you been reading?
    He did not but I bumped into it myself. It was an interesting piece. Wish you had made it through!
    It is indeed great. I enjoy both RoL and Solayoh.

    Oh, there were some familiar names in A Dal! I am excited for that one to start as well.
    What about Söngvakeppni? I don't know any of the acts from there.
    Aaaw, thanks!

    I did and I am so excited to see what she will come up with. I adore Randajad after all. xheart
    They failed hard today. I was rooting for them along with some others. Though, a Rhythm of Love-like song, Tick-Tock has won and it is so cheap that I enjoy it.
    Omg, I am sorry. It was me being dumb. I thought Beregi was sung by NeAngely for a moment for some reason. #fail

    Oh, by the way, have you been following the ex Horehronieland artist, NeAngely in Ukraine's national final?
    Apparently those random juries just somehow voted and all of it added up to this. Seperate results will not even be announced. Same goes for the semis. So, no transparency with 100% jury, well done everyone.
    There were not even scoreboards. Finishing points were just randomly called out. Check wiwibloggs, I saw they had the video of the results individually. lol
    That's the case for me. I just watched it to have a laugh. Everything was so hilarious. I wish you could understand their speeches, they left me laughing to death. Not to mention the way final results were presented, oh dear...
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