In series-premiere news, CW drama “Star-Crossed,” the tale of the romance of a human girl and an alien boy after he and eight others of his kind are integrated into a suburban high school, opened with a weak 1.1/ 2 in the overnights from 8-9 p.m. Comparably, that was just 10 percent above “Hart of Dixie” one week earlier (1.0/ 1). Year-ago occupant “The Carrie Diaries” scored a 0.9/ 1. Notably negative for “Star-Crossed” was a loss of 17 percent in the household overnights at 8:30 p.m. (1.2/ 2 to 1.0/ 1), and The CW is hoping an encore telecast of the pilot tonight at 9 p.m. will attract additional interest.
Leading out of “Star-Crossed” was failing sophomore “Beauty and the Beast” at a mere 0.7/ 1 at 9 p.m.
Znači, Star-Crossed 0.3 - 0.4 i jedva milijun gledatelja, Beauty and the Beast 0.2-0.3 i još niže gledatelja
novi Cult