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  • Takođe predviđam da će najviše para potrošiti na promociju Supergirl i The Flash. I verovatno na žalost No Tomorrow više nego Frequency.
    Previđam da će premiere week na CW biti:

    8 Supergirl
    9 Jane the Virgin

    8 The Flash
    9 No Tomorrow

    8 Arrow
    9 Supergirl -R

    8 Legends of Tomorrow
    9 Supernatural

    8 No Tomorrow -R
    9 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    Frequency mislim da će najranije sa 2. epizodom Arrow, ali mislim da će verovatnije sa 3.
    “Containment” (CW)

    18-34: 0.4
    Women 18-34: 0.3/1
    Men 18-34: 0.4/2

    18-49: 0.5
    Women 18-49: 0.5/2
    Men 18-49: 0.5/2

    25-54: 0.7
    I reckon you'll be okay - might finish mid-table but that's better than bottom 5! xup

    Can you do me a favour hunni if you have a sec? In the WLSC forum, can you unsticky the old WLSC 94 topic and sticky my topic for WLSC 107 instead? Just to make it easier to track ;)
    The Voice (NBC) ………………… 77%
    American Idol (Fox) ……………… 75%
    NCIS (CBS) ……………………… 73%
    Empire (Fox) ……………………… 72%
    The Amazing Race (CBS) ……… 71%
    Once Upon a Time (ABC) ……… 66%
    Modern Family (ABC) …………… 63%
    The Big Bang Theory (CBS) …… 60%
    Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) …………. 55%

    procenat gledalaca što gleda Live u Live+SD :eek:
    ~0.65 Legends of Tomorrow
    0.52 iZombie
    0.50 iZombie
    0.38 Jane the Virgin
    ~0.37 The 100
    0.24 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    JTV jače nego 100 :s
    iZombie .................................. 0.524 ... (0.552 ... 0.497)
    iZombie .................................. 0.504 ... (0.507 ... 0.500)


    omabin RJK • 10 minutes ago

    Solid for iZombie!

    RJK omabin • 7 minutes ago

    I think so too... It tied AGENTS OF SHIELD in 18-34 (0.5), though it looks like SHIELD is more like 0.54 and iZOMBIE is 0.46.
    Hey! I just want to tell you that there are many chances to left NSC (and even the forum) after this edition. Maybe I will visit it sometimes, but I lost all my interest here. I have bad results in NSC, the music from there is less nice with every edition, FSC lost all his magic. And if I try to say that something is wrong, I obtain some critics. I am always hated for telling what I think in forums, but I won't stop being me, sincere, only to be liked. So, it is like my good bye to you, maybe the only person I like here. Wish you the best! :)
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