I try also different styles now, this edition i send something very untypical for Roseland. The next editions i will try to send some more non-english songs, but at moment i make my decision spontaneous, it can change everytime, when it flops.
Hello, I'd like to vote in the poll re: New Bander State, but it seems I've lost access to the NSC Private Forum. Could you please give me access again when you have the chance?
Because I don't have the premium access currently, my inbox has hundreds more PMs than the 50 allowed (and I don't want to delete them), so I can't send you a PM at the moment. ;) Here's a screen shot of my paypal: http://oi64.tinypic.com/3586jhs.jpg
Čini mi se da Frequency dobija neki hype i da možda i bude nešto od serije, recenzije deluju veoma dobro, očekujem 0.81-0.93 za premijeru.
No Tomorrow bih rekao 0.38-0.53 za premijeru.
Inače Superstore dok se vrati TBBT će verovatno već imati bar 6 epizoda prikazano, tako da će verovatno imati i jaču promociju Superstore zbog povratka i TBBT će valjda malo opasti dotad.