This is quite possibly the smoothest hosting I've ever done, ever. In the other forum people know me for far longer than all of you do, and they always complain that I take my time during hosting (derogatory). I've since opted to fix this problem by preparing notepads with the text and postings in advance so that I make things up more efficiently in time and don't take 10 minutes on typing up something.
Yes, there were brief problems with timezones, and me whining that barely anyone tried guessing the Semifinal 1 qualifiers trivia, and some Brazilian named Vanessa squatted the WorldVision Live Listening room and Modvision not being present didn't allow the queue to be locked (and so we had a jolly merry good time over at Merio's room instead), and things like adding links to banners took time, but for a regular hosting of mine in anything I've seen less complaints over in here than I did over at the other forum, and that's relieving. For once.
What doesn't relieve me are the results, but that's a whole different story.
(and now kiss you two)
The sole reason I sent "Signorino" by SANTI FRANCESI, arguably my favourite song of theirs (besides "Occhi tristi"), so early; was because I wanted to let you all cherish them ahead of Sanremo, but y'all NQ'd them for possibly being too commercially in the middle - good, but not as great as I found the song to be; therefore, not wowing. This would've definitely been avoided had I won earlier and put them as a host entry, such as the case was here with "E poi finisco per amarti", which I did, and I'm happy I was able to without it facing the semifinal, otherwise it would've ended up in the same awkward position as "Signorino", but much worse. And frankly I didn't even know what to expect with that song in terms of placing, maybe I just wanted to go through the motions and see what happens. Last place is still a bummer though, but I got more than enough points to make me realize that maybe it resonated with some people. Maybe. And here I was, thinking it would have flopped way harder.
Congratulations to The Doggo hjarnskakning, idk if that's your first win here but I suggest you should cherish it as it was. Cheers Amir, you went on as far as you did as well and the LLs were really raving about your song, always claimed it to be as the winner more times than for any other song of this edition (with counting John1 saying that to literally every other song that it's "winner", but he was alone in some cases, so yeah).

had an impressive finish, guess it really was the Pot A/B oasis some clung to; so gratz to Journalist as well for that! God bless Hungary for landing inside the Place of Real Winners - I didn't think much of that song at the beginning until it kind of grew one me a bit and now I can appreciate it for what it is. Impressive finishes for

as well.
And I'd really like to highlight


robberies, in the sense of neither of them being in top 10, what the actual hell y'all? Yes, there were chances we could've gone to France actually because this also had a significant lot of LL rave attributed to it, but I think that

deserved all the flowers enough for a top 10 finish, too. And

made me realize that maybe I'm a
whore sucker for charming longsome voices doing sad Western-type of ballad/midtempo songs that are injected with enough melancholy - while it's not Archive, I'll take this a whole lot too. Great choices, Kai and Merio.
+ shoutouts to Grinch and Edweis for great songs that have fallen by the wayside; maybe Tool needed a better semifinal to stand out, and Tohoku should've stood out in their semi, that's a robbery that is hard to forgive, ngl.
So yeah, hosting WV was fun, maybe I want to do it again, but it will massively depend on if I ever find a "Young Forever" type of success story first and foremost; and also, if I'm busy! I wasn't particularly busy in this time period, although it did eat up a chunk of the time I was supposed to devote to studying, and there were events like unexpected ballet attendance and me going to a festival in the city + one free concert, but they were as enjoyable as me hosting, let me assure you. I'm just trying to see if the future hands me a job opportunity, or another school, or me having to repeat my photography exam endlessly for money. Then - we'll see. I just hope that in the future Egypt hosts the WV 187, yeah?
For everyone who made it until the end of all that longpost - congratulations. You earned it.
Thanks for everything.
Pack your bags for leaving Avellino and into your next summer vacation destination, I salute you for your stay, until then...