Do the Monkey: No. Just No. Nul points
You and me: I really didn't want to like this because I'm usually against gimmicky acts,'s just too catchy, powerful, it gives an impression; if Switzerland sends this, they could actually achieve a decent place. 12 points
Forever and a day: A li'l underlooked: Nice voice, nice rhytm, sounds like something I could really listen in some real world charts. Not my favorite, but if this ends up winning, it would be fine for me. 7-8 points (I'm still undecided)
The Point of no Return: Middle-of-the-road dance pop. Not bad, not good, and certainly, not memorable. 5 points
J'avais rendez-vous: A nice, lovely french-style song. My second favorite in the competition. Not as catchy as "You and me" but technically superior in lyrics and arregements. 10 points
Lève-toi: An alright song, better than I expected. The big deal is that I'm not sure if Eurovision it's the right stage for something like this. 7 points
On my Way: Cool, stylish, catchy to some degree, but more like the "B" side of a real single. Not bad tough. 7 points
Catch me: Way way too old-fashioned and tacky for me. 1 point
Bella Sera: Not memorable. Nothing against ballads, but this ballad just doesn't give me an impression. 1 point.
So, my veredict: My ideal winner would be Carrousel, but...damn it, Heilsarmee it's catchy as hell.
I could live with almost any song as long as they're not that obnoxious monkey song or those last two ballads.