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Sweden, please stahp
Sweden, please stahp
You cannot say that it is a surprise, everything has pointed in this direction. And I have nothing against it, it would be insane not having this kind of theme in some point, since this is for sure a huge part of the modern history of Europe. And having a dance number I think works very well, it is subtile and enough, but still effectful.
god, that comments section is giving me a migraine.
You can't be serious, lad.
The situation with "refugees" (or rather illegal clandestines) we know in Europe is totally abnormal and I don't get why those people get all the attention and all cares. They already unbalanced the ratio between men and women in Sweden (the number of single men has incredibly gone up). Also, Arabic language is going to surpass the Finnish language in Sweden as the 2nd most spoken language in the country : https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=83&artikel=6404347
And tbh I'm sick to hear about "refugees" everywhere and every time. But, the ESC being held this year in Sweden, the leftist and well-thinking country of Europe, you're right, we could really expect that from them but it makes me hate Sweden a bit more than before.
(I just hope they won't use real refugees, since this would threaten the security of the event.)
have you been reading the daily mail comments section too?
Maybe Merkel could be a surprise guest star. She could pop out of a box and fly on stage similar to Conchita. SVT could borrow the throne of the Swedish queen and place it on stage. While Merkel sits on the throne, a few refugees dance around her and then kneel down and kiss her feet. Then Merkel gets up and announces that everyone in the world is invited to come together in Europe while the stage is showered in sparks and confetti.
(I just hope they won't use real refugees, since this would threaten the security of the event.)
SCREAMINGWill there be a group of migrants covering the old Abba classics "Gimme, gimme, gimme" and "Money, money, money"?