This video is a simple explaination to all questioning our love, sympathy and admiration for Valentina. To me it answers all the questions in that ~4:30.
When I look at many singers who look like they were released from the same music factory with uninspired songs and performances I'm just glad I can come back and just listen to THIS.
You have just spoken it all there. Show this video to anyone who questions why we love Valentina so much. The video would show them and if it didn't.. well i'd give up but wouldn't care. Valentina's music is the most important thing to those of us it touches. She really is amazing and it makes me so happy to see Valentina rise to this moment today.
She did the most brave thing last year, throwing herself into a role, singing the most camp song imaginable about cybersexing and the internet originally written for a 16 year old. Truth is if some young girl sung it, i'd probably hate it. Valentina made the song enjoyable. She did the whole experience with a smile on her face whilst people stood by and judged her, not looking deeper into her. Now is her moment and Ralph bless him, despite the fact I still feel the piece of music she's taking to Eurovision isn't perfect for Valentina, he has given her another chance. He tried his hardest and he has made a beautiful song for Valentina, it's story relates to her so much. Look past the typical ESC feel and production of the studio version and you see an amazing, humble woman with an incredible voice, warmth and character.