Re: ROMANIA 2018
omg...i'm crazy.. i spend all day focusing on what romania has to offer.. but since there's no skiing or ski jumping on tv this weekend what else i'm supposed to do?

I like a looooooot of songs...but the main focus is on my top 6
1st place: Zavera "Come Back to Me"
OH YEEEEEEAH! I have found my favorite! There are no words to describe this masterpiece. This funky-folky song makes me wanna dance. This is Abba with Doinita Gherman flavor. A killer combination that just works
I'm obsessed with it! ZAVERA TO LISBON!
2nd place: Eduard Santha "Mesom romales"
Yep, Mrm knows me by just one song. This is unique and fresh in the eurovision world. And a real pleasure to listen to.
I just love how he managed to mix African, Jamaican, Gipsy, Arab, and Romanian music all in one song

There's a gipsy in all of ussssssssss
3rd place: Serena "Safari"
This is how new songs from Inna sound like btw... I love them!
I assume this is a fan favorite.. This time I have no objections.. (unlike in the two baltic countries

I love how it seems like the guy in the background is singing "Dala ti bom" which in my language means "I'll give it to you" (sexually)
4th place: Alex Florea "Nobody Told Me It Would Hurt"
I didn't expect a ballad, but this is a ballad done right" Simply beautiful..i can see myself singing this in the future..The best part is when the chorus starts
5th place MIHAI "Heaven"
Very similar style as Alex..If i love one, i gotta love the other right?

Just less catchy..
6th place: Manuel Chivari "Somebody to Love"
Call me a teenage girl all you want, but this is amazing!
other songs i want to mention
Alessandro Dănescu "Breaking Up"
Aurel Dincă "Fire in the Sky"
Bernice Chițiul "Too Busy for My Heart"
CornEL "Take Me Away"
Feli "Facil de amar"
Jessie Baneș "Lightning Strikes"
Liviu Anghel "Rise Up"
Mareș Pană "Daydreamer"
Meriem "End the Battle"
Miruna Diaconescu "Run for You"
Nicoleta Țicală "Una oportunidad"
Sergiu Bolotă "Every Little Thing"
Tom Leo Wiart "Teardrop Rain"
Wakeska "Reborn"