Luminita should soooo have won!

She was PERFECT, a strong song, amazing voice and stage presence, she looked great in the dress, much better than the semis.

I wanted to chop the first juror who gave her
0 points! Who the hell was her, is she nuts or she hates Luminita's guts?
Cezar was my second option, but he's freaking weird...sometimes I quite like it, sometimes I can't stand it. Well, he's unforgettable for sure. He should tone down a little the opera voice, you don't even understand the words at times when he sings so high. :? Maybe he'll listen to suggestions, I know he can train his voice and sing a little bit more 'normal', make those high notes sound more pleasant.
Thank God he got rid of the freaky suit in the semi...seems he listened to some advice already.
I was no real fan of Electric Fence either though, maybe with Cezar at least we will have the big surprise factor. It's a love or hate entry for sure, but well, luckily you can't give negative points at Eurovision.