The portuguese top 50 viral from spotify a day before the semifinal:
#06 Mimicat
#08 Edmundo Inácio
#09 Voodoo Marmalade
#11 Nasci Maria
#13 Dapunksportif
#19 Bandua
#25 Lara Li
#27 Esse Povo
#30 Inês Apenas
#31 Churky
#46 SAL
#48 Alessandra
#49 Marco Mengoni
On youtube Mimicat's video has the most views of the first semifinal(261k at 16h cet) and is trending at #17, Cláudia is also trending at #23.
Edmundo has the most viewed video of the second semifinal, but his numbers than Cláudia in the same spawn of time, she reached 100k on 3 days(on the 27th) and for Edmundo it took 7 days.
Although regarding the numbers on youtube I'm a bit unsure if they will mean anything tomorrow, I regard them as a way to predict how the public may vote and in the last two years it wasn’t the views but the engagement(comments and likes) that was the best way to predict it, and although Mimicat has by far more engagement on youtube, it's basically impossible to know if Edmundo would have more or less engagement had he performed on the first semifinal, also on instagram Cláudia has more engagement than Mimicat, by a lot, and other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Tik Tok are a blind spot for me. So, could Cláudia win the televote thanks to tik tok? I don't know, but looking at the numbers, I'm certain that, regarding the televote, the winner will either be Cláudia, Edmundo or Mimicat.