Not as much as I should have been had I not listened to the 45" snippets. They have certainly cooled down my excitment. However, 45 seconds is obviously not the song. I remember when I listened to Salvador for the first time in the semi I only knew it was great and really special when it reached the 3rd quarter, give or take a litle. I needed the whole song to appreciate it. During the first half I was a bit wtf?, what is this character aiming at, lol, just like many of us. Would i have fallen for a
Amar pelos Dois snippet had there been one at the time? Probably not.
With that being said, I'm much more anxious for tomorrow's snippets than for the show itself tonight. How mad are we?
Anyway. Fingers crossed that in a few hours the show will prove all (or at least one!) of the bloody snippets wrong!