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Papendink [233] The end of the american dream...


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Re: Speckbrot -------------- (NSC 109 - Paperland)

Good luck with Speckbrot :D
I was perplexed yesterday :mrgreen:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Hitting repeat taste too often can causes sudden song deaths...

Hitting repeat taste too fast and too often in a too small time span can end in terrible sudden song deaths :(

Did happen to Speckbrot... R.I.P. my friend... untill your resurection in 2 or 3 weeks.

Tinchey was so nice and let me try to find another song which he likes more.... and in the last moment we found one!!!!! :eek:

Welcome to Joanna Wang and her song with a name which is maybe familiar for some of you... its about a great book classic:

The Revenge of the Farm Animals (by Joanna Wang)

Paperian Entry for NSC 109!!! (presented by ::ill)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 109: Joanna Wang - The Revenge of the Farm Animals

I think im on vacation on the Confirmation Period of next edition... so you can maybe expect a weird song decision process like last time i had to decide on a vacation ^^

Last time i ended - after many weird song chances - up with "Adrian Zaar - Warten" and it was a great decision! xlove We will see if it will be another good decision this time :mrgreen:

I also try to decide maybe already a song before i go... but so far i couldnt made a at least more than 50% sure decision.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Re: Paperland 109: Joanna Wang - The Revenge of the Farm Animals

Warten xheart


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 109: Joanna Wang - The Revenge of the Farm Animals

Maybe some of you have seen my list i have posted here for remembering myself which songs could be possible for Paperland and NSC 110... before it came to my mind that i also could send a PM to myself :mrgreen:

But for those who have seen it:

One of the items on the list has won the race, and it was "Sigi's Fingers", whatever that means ^^

I also post that to enforce me to finally send that awesome all-time-fav of mine, hope some will like it at least as half (aah.... also 1/8 could be enough) as i do! ;)

It has all the things to fail in the race for the final qualification... its nearly 7 minutes long, its just a pic video and its a rather monotous tune, with repeating lyrics who just begins after the first 90 seconds.... oooookay..... the picvid i will take uses a cute cat-pic, but is that enough to win NSC? Yes, im sure it is! :eek:

I love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it!!!!!.... and i mean the song!



And now, after that decision, i finally can go on with enjoying my vaccation. xrofl2


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Re: Paperland 110: Sigi's Fingers

omg.....I'm so proud of my dirty fingers :D :D good luck


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: [110] Paperland: Sig's Fingers!

::pap ::pap ::pap Paperland 110 ::pap ::pap ::pap
Azzido da Bass feat. Johnny Blake - Lonely by your Side

Like said... this song has all the things you need to stuck in semis... but i love it and that is what counts! xheart

Why Sigi's Fingers? Its simple: Sigi used another song (the big hit "Dooms Night") from this artist for his Vernisage-Video ;)
I also took this as a sign for that its time to be no longer afraid of sending this. :mrgreen: I listen to this song for so many years now over and over again, it just has to be sent by me to NSC, equal of what i think about its chances. :cool:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: [110] Paperland: Azzido Da Bass feat. Johnny Blake - Lonely by Your Side

argh... vaccations are not a good time for decisions :lol:

Okay... i will decide tomorrow and send my entry to yoni after it. ^^

What i can say:
It won't be Azzido (sorry to Sigi's Fingers) :(
It will be a come back artist...
...and it will be:
a) Adrian Zaar
b) The Bianca Story​

This is not an NF! ;)


Well-known member
June 8, 2011
Re: [110] Paperland: Adrian Zaar or The Bianca Story?

Aww... it's really sad to hear of Azzido not entering NSC. I hope we'll see them once again!

Oh, and if you're looking for suggestions, I'd go with The Bianca Story. :mrgreen:


Active member
December 28, 2010
Re: [110] Paperland: Adrian Zaar or The Bianca Story?

The Bianca Story! Any song from 'Digger'! xheart


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: [110] Paperland: Adrian Zaar - Diese Stille

Awww... sorry to say, but i decided for Adrian Zaar.

One point was, that i didnt hear "Digger" (new album of Bianca Story) often enough so far, but the more important one was that i love the Adrian Zaar song since a very long time and it didnt lost its appeal to me. xlove

::pap ::pap ::pap Paperland 110 ::pap ::pap ::pap
Adrian Zaar - Diese Stille

Lyrics translation (by me):

DIESE STILLE (That Silence)

1st verse
Ich geh’ von meinem Zimmer
Ins Bad und schau’ mich um
Hier lebt noch jemand and’res
Unsichtbar und stumm

I go from my room
to the bath and look arround
I see that here lives another person
hidden from me and silent

Wir haben den selben Schlüssel
Zur selben Wohnungstür
Nur die ganz grosse Liebe
Hat jetzt grad’ keinen mehr

We have the same key
for the same door
only the big true love
dont have it anymore

Wolltest nur mal kurz allein sein
Jetzt zieht es sich dahin
Sowas wie ein eigenes Leben
Doch ich bin mittendrin

You just wanted to be alone for short
but now its getting long
something like your own life
but i am still here with you

Ich geh’ von meinem Zimmer
In die Küche und zurück
Es ist alles unverändert
Doch wie vorher ist es nicht

I go from my room
to the kitchen and back
nothing has changed
but its not like it was before

Und lausch’ nochmals der Stille
Klingt so dein neues Glück?

And again i listen to the silence
is that the sound of your new luck?

Wie lange wird das dauern,
werden die Wände hier zu Mauern?

How long will this going on,
will the walls turns into (stone?*) walls?

*about Wände which turns into Mauern (both can be translated to "walls"):
Wände is something neutrally, but Mauern has a negative sound in german... like if you want to lock someone out.

Bei dir brennt noch,
bei dir brennt noch Licht

In your room burns
In your room burns still a light

Ich will ja nicht stör’n
Ist da jemand der zu mir gehört?

I dont want to disturb
Is there anybody who belongs to me?

Ich will wirklich nicht stör’n
Ich dachte nur...nein,echt ich könnte schwör’n

I really dont want to disturb
I only thought... its true, i could swear

Ich hätte was gehört
An diese Stille
Muss ich mich erst einmal gewöhn’n

I'd have heard something
This silence
i first have to learn to live with it.

2nd verse:
Du bist im hellen Zimmer
Auf der Seite mit der Sonne
Und hast all die grünen Pflanzen
Mit zu dir hinein genommen

You are in the bright room
on the side with the sun
and you took all the green plants
along with you

Möchtest wieder atmen, sagst du
Richtig tief und frei
Musst dafür allein sein
Nur, wir wohnen hier zu zweit

You want to breath again, you say
truely deep and free
you have to be alone for that
but, still both of us live here

Noch prangen unsr’e Namen
An derselben Wohnungstür
Allein die Grosse Liebe
Wohnt jetzt wohl nicht mehr hier

There still both of our names
at the door of our flat
only the big true love
seems to moved out.

Zu den Katzen sprichst du
An mir schleichst du dich vorbei
Die Tiere tun als wär‘ nichts
Die sehen das wohl ein

You talk to the cats
at me you sneaking by
The pets doing like nothing has changed
they maybe understand it

Die spüren was da abläuft
Dass ich hier’ n Fremder bin
Die spürten das schon lange bevor es angefang’n hat

They feel what happened
that im just a stranger here
they felt it long ago, before i mentioned it

Nur ich hab nichts geahnt
Mir fehlt der 6. Sinn

Only i havent felt it
i lack of a sixth sense

Ich will ja nicht stör’n
Ist da jemand der zu mir gehört?

I dont want to disturb
Is there anybody who belongs to me?

Ich will wirklich nicht stör’n
Ich dachte nur...nein,echt ich könnte schwör’n

I really dont want to disturb
I only thought... its true, i could swear

Ich hätte was gehört
An diese Stille
Muss ich mich erst einmal gewöhn’n

I'd have heard something
This silence
i first have to learn to live with it.

An diese Stille
Muss ich mich erst einmal gewöhn’n

This silence
i first have to learn to live with it.

Ist da jemand der zu mir gehört?

Is there anybody who belongs to me?

Ich will wirklich nicht stör’n
Ich dachte nur...nein,echt ich könnte schwör’n

I really dont want to disturb
I only thought... its true, i could swear

Ich hätte was gehört
An diese Stille
Muss ich mich erst einmal gewöhn’n

I'd have heard something
This silence
i first have to learn to live with it.

An diese Stille
Muss ich mich erst einmal gewöhn’n

This silence
i first have to learn to live with it.

Muss ich mich (erst einmal (3 x)) gewöhn’n

i first have to learn to live with it.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Re: [110] Paperland: Adrian Zaar - Diese Stille (Lyrics translation inside)

Adrian xheart


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: [111] Paperland: A picture of alcohol?

In the past, in WV.... i held a rather crazy NF for South Korea, maybe someone remembers that one? ^^

If not.... it was this:

Okay, i've changed my decision, i won't fail so soon with my all-time-favourite of :kr: and will send it later to this contest ^^

Because of that, i make a short NF:

It's a short NF because it wont be open for long and also it have no songs in it, or to say it correct: you will not know which songs are in it. Yeah, some NSC people knows already that i'm not the one for normal NFs :mrgreen:

We have 5 songs, every song (except the 5th song) fits to one colour of the South Korean Flag:


This colours are:

Black = egoism? darkness? hate? agony?
Red = anger? blood? love? sunset?
Blue = melancholy? water? sadness? sky?
White (white) = innocence? clouds? childrens? good dreams?

The words only describes the colour and explain what i mean with "every song fits to a colour". The words dont have all to fit to the song, but they can do it for sure. They rather describe some things which come to my mind when i look at the colour.

And this is the 5th choice you can make:

Please send me a PM in the next 10 hours (this means untill 12/03/2013, 02:15) and vote in 3-2-1 style for the colours and the picture!

For example:
3 points: colour y
2 points: Picture
1 point: colour x

If nobody votes, then i'll decide it! :D

And so far i think i will send one of the songs in that one.... but yeah, its far from being definitive.

Feel free to say which one you would like to have, but its a rather random thing and i cant promise that i will do what you want ^^


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Alcoholland NSC 111: A Glas of Soju

Alcoholland 111
No Brain - Soju Hanjan (A Glas of Soju)

Alcoholland... a part of Paperland where everything is out of bottles of alcohol!

In fact, its just a crazy bar in our capital... owned by this crazy people who achieved to took the ::pap ticket for NSC 111! :eek:

* song starts arround 0:50

And yeah, it will take part under the flag of Paperland! ;) ::pap ::pap ::pap

And yes, Soju is some type of alcohol, here a picture of a bottle:


Soju - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Alcoholland NSC 111: A Glas of Soju

I dont ever tried it ^^ But im not a alcohol drinker at all, so yeah, probably i wouldnt like it.
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